Official’s Expense Form Official's InformationOfficial's Name* First Last Official's Triathlon Ontario Number:Your Triathlon Ontario number. (Or your membership number for your home province or territory's sport organization.)Official's Email Address* Your current email address.Official's Home Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Your home address for the purpose of calculating mileage. Be sure to include your full address including postal code. Event InformationEvent Name:*Name of the event you officiated.Event Date* Date Format: YYYY dash MM dash DD Date of the event officiated. If you officiated more than one day of the same event, enter the first day and the number of days below.Days Officiated*Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.Enter the total number of days you officiated at this event.Position*Head OfficialSecondary OfficialMoto OfficialOfficial in TrainingVolunteer OfficialCourse InstructorEnter the position you officiated at the event. You will receive an honorarium based on the position.Position (Day 2)*Head OfficialSecondary OfficialMoto OfficialOfficial in TrainingVolunteer OfficialCourse InstructorEnter the position you officiated on the second day of the event. You will receive an honorarium based on the position.Position (Day 3)*Head OfficialSecondary OfficialMoto OfficialOfficial in TrainingVolunteer OfficialCourse InstructorEnter the position you officiated on the third day of the event. You will receive an honorarium based on the position. Mileage ExpensesTravel MileageTravel Mileage (km)*Enter the total, round-trip mileage in kilometers you travelled to and from the event. If you officiated more than one day, **include travel all days**. If you don't need to claim mileage, enter "0".Moto MileageMoto Mileage (km)If you worked as a moto official, enter the distance travelled in kilometers while officiating the event. If you worked more than one day, include all days. Accommodation ExpensesAccommodations (Pre-Approval Required) Enter the amount claimed for accommodations. Note that all accommodations must be requested ahead of time, and where possible are booked and paid by TO. Some hotels booked by TO will not accept payment in advance; use this box for reimbursement. Self-booked accommodations will only be reimbursed in special circumstances and only if pre-approved by TO. Upload receipt using the file upload feature below.Receipt Upload - Accommodation Drop files here or Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf. Upload your receipts here. Accepts multiple files in .jpg, png, and .pdf formats.Per Diem RatePer Diem (Number of nights, not the amount)0123Enter the number of nights spent in accommodation. A per diem of $25 for each night spent in accommodation is paid to assist with expenses. Other ExpensesOther Expenses (Pre-Approval Required) Enter the amount of other, pre-approved expenses claimed. These must be described below.Other Expense DescriptionDescribe the other expenses claimed.Receipt Upload - Other Expenses Drop files here or Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf. Upload your receipts here. Accepts multiple files in .jpg, png, and .pdf formats. Expense TotalTotal $ 0.00 CAD Please check this total before hitting Submit. If it says some ridiculous number, the usual culprit is having entered 25 or 50 nights of per diem.NotesNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.