Board of Directors Application



To apply for election to the Triathlon Ontario Board of Directors and to provide a profile of experience and qualifications.
  • Applicant Guidelines


    To be a Board Member, an applicant must:
    • Be a current member in good standing;
    • Be eighteen (18) years of age or older, and;
    • Not be an undischarged bankrupt.
  • Applicant Information

  • Your name.
  • Your email address.
  • Your phone number.
  • Enter your Triathlon Ontario membership number. A valid current TO membership is required to serve as a board member. TO numbers are ON followed by 4 or 5 digits. You can find your TO# at
  • Applicant Profile

  • Please tell us about your experience and involvement with sport in general and triathlon in particular, as well as your qualifications as a board member.
  • Please enter your current occupation.
  • 1. Please detail your background by rating your level of proficiency in each of the following areas, and providing illustrative examples:
  • 1. Please explain your reasons, motivations, and current participation in the sport:
  • Please explain your reasons for seeking this nomination.
  • Please explain how your attributes, skills, and interests will contribute to advancing the mandate of Triathlon Ontario.
  • Please explain any unique characteristics that you feel would make you an exemplary member of Triathlon Ontario’s Board of Directors.
  • Please explain your participation in triathlon or sport generally, focusing on the following roles: participant, coach, official, board or committee member, volunteer, or parent/spectator.
  • If you would like to attach a resume or CV, you can upload it here.
  • Accepted file types: pdf.
    .pdf only, maximum file size 2MB. If you have trouble uploading, you can email to [email protected].
  • Nominator & Seconder

  • Triathlon Ontario by-laws require that each board candidate be nominated and seconded by a current Triathlon Ontario member in good standing. If your nominator and seconder have already nominated and seconded, you can leave these blank. If you have not yet been nominated and the nomination seconded, please supply name and email for each. Please ensure your nominator and seconder are current members and is prepared to nominate you. Your nominator and seconder will receive emails asking them to confirm, supply their Triathlon Ontario membership number, and detail their reasons for nomination. Applications without a valid nominator and seconder will not be accepted.


  • Please provide the name of a Triathlon Ontario member in good standing who will nominate you to the Board of Directors.
  • Please provide the email address of the member who will nominate you.


  • Please provide the name of a Triathlon Ontario member in good standing who will second your nomination to the Board of Directors.
  • Please provide the email address of the member who will second your nomination.
  • Agreement

    Please indicate your acceptance of the following agreement.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.