Concussion Report




    What to Do

    When an athlete has a suspected or confirmed concussion, they are required by law to be removed from sport immediately and remain removed until cleared to return by a Doctor or Nurse Practitioner. (Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018)
    • Remove athletes with suspected concussions from sport:
      • Render aid and call 911 if necessary;
      • Remove the athlete immediately, even if they appear ok;
      • Send the athlete to a doctor or nurse practitioner for a clearance.
    • Report concussions to parents and TO:
      • Report to parents if the athlete is under 18;
      • Report suspected & confirmed concussions using this form.
    • Abide by return-to-sport protocols:
      • Do not allow the athlete to return without a written clearance from a doctor or nurse practitioner;
      • Follow the return-to-sport protocol provided, if not provided use the one in the Policy.

    Concussion Reporting Guidelines

    This form is for reporting suspected concussions, concussion clearances, confirmed concussions, return-to-sport protocols, and completion of RTS protocols.
    • Coaches and Officials of events taking place in Ontario are Designated Persons under Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 and are required to report concussions and suspected concussions.
    • Any Coach, Official, parent, or athlete can use this form to report a suspected or confirmed concussion, concussion clearance, return-to-sport protocol, or completion of a return-to-sport protocol.
    • Once a suspected concussion has been reported, use this form to report subsequent events: confirmation, clearance, return-to-sport protocol, and/or completion of return-to-sport protocol.
    • For more information about the concussion reporting and return-to-sport process, you can review the Concussion Resources and Triathlon Ontario Concussion Policy.
  • Contact information

    Your contact information as the person submitting this report.
  • Your name as the person submitting this report.
  • Your current email address as the person submitting this report.
  • Your current phone number as the person submitting this report.
  • Injured Athlete Contact Information

  • Name of the injured athlete.
  • Email address of the injured athlete, or a parent/guardian if the athlete is under 18.
  • Current phone number of the injured athlete, or a parent/guardian if the athlete is under 18.
  • Email address of a parent/guardian or alternate contact, if required. Note that concussions often result in the injured athlete being unable to use screens and devices to communicate by email, so we strongly recommend including an alternate contact.
  • Current phone number of a parent/guardian or alternate contact, if required.
  • Type of Report


    What to Report

    You may find out about a suspected or confirmed concussion in several ways.
    • You may be present at or called to the scene of an injury and suspect a concussion;
    • You might receive a concussion protocol from an athlete who has a concussion from outside of triathlon;
    • You might receive a concussion report directly from a another coach, governing body, club, or school; or,
    • You might receive a concussion report from Triathlon Ontario.
    In all cases coaches and officials are required to fill out this report. This form confirms that you are aware of the concussion and informs Triathlon Ontario of each step in the process. It also allows us to fulfill the statutory requirement to inform other sports and schools. Fill out this report again each time the athlete receives a clearance, a confirmation, a return-to-sport protocol, or completes their return-to-sport-protocol.
  • Please enter the type of report. You can select all that apply.
  • Notes

  • Please enter any additional information relevant to this report.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.