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Ontario Indoor Triathlon – May 5

May 5, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

- $50

Indoor Triathlon

Indoor triathlons are a great way to try the sport of triathlon in a safe, fun, welcoming way. The swim is in a pool, the bike portion is on a stationary bike and the run is on an indoor track. Indoor tris are also inexpensive – all you need to race is a swimsuit, goggles, t-shirt and running shoes.

The indoor race format is simple: swim as many laps as possible in 15 minutes, ride as many kilometres as possible in 15 minutes, and run as many laps around the track as possible in 15 minutes. The farther you go, the more points you score.

Participants have the option to choose their start time, subject to availability. Registration is open to anyone 12 years of age and up.




Series Standings

Once compiled, series standings will be posted here.


Next Race

Sunday, May 5th, 5pm-8pm, Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre. Join us!



Parking & Directions

The Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre located at 875 Morningside Ave, Toronto, ON M1C 0C7, just south of the 401.

Parking is available on both sides of the building for free for 2 hours or $3 for all day. More info: tpasc.ca/facility/location


Check In

When entering the building head towards the south end, near the Tim Horton’s and front desk. There will be a check in table.  You can then head down stairs to the change rooms and then on deck.

There will be plenty of water available but if you require food, snacks or other nutrition, please make your own arrangements.



If you would like to volunteer for a couple of hours we always need lap counters and cheering support crew and would love to have you.

Volunteers can register simply by sending an email to technical@triathlonontario.com.


Race Format

The race consists of a 15-minute lap swim, a 15-minute stationary bike, and a 15-minute track run.


Swim Format

The swim is located in the dive tank end of the pool. There will be a maximum of two swimmers per lane. Swim caps are not required to be worn for this event.

A lap counter that will record the number of laps for the 15 minutes.

Once finished, athletes will have a 10-minute transition time to get out of the water, towel off, put on shoes and cycling/running clothing and move to the track.


Bike Format

Spin bikes are located next to the track.

Getting yourself on a spin bike and getting the proper set up is included in the 10-minute transition time from the pool. The starter will start on time so please be quick and efficient. The spin bikes do have SPD clips so if you have that type of cycling shoe, you are more than welcome to use them.

Points will be awarded based on the distance traveled in 15 minutes. You may set the tension of the spin bike to whatever you feel most comfortable. The bikes do increase the distance based on the power generated, so be sure to balance the tension for the most efficient pedaling.

Once the timer says stop, please stop pedaling as best you can in a safe manner. Once time is up, a volunteer will record your distance traveled.

You will then have a 10-minute transition time to move to the other side of the run track.


Run Format

The run takes place on the indoor track. There will be a maximum of 8 people in a heat.

The run starts in a bunch but will soon spread out. Please run on the inside lane and pass to the outside.



Your team captain registers your team name, pays the registration, and chooses a wave for your team. Team members must register, but the only cost is to register the team.

Relay team members are welcome to be on the pool deck and the track to cheer.



Swim – score 10 points per 25 metres, 10 points for a half length, at the discretion of the lap counter.

Bike – score 50 points per km.

Run – score 25 points per lap, 13 points awarded for a half lap, at the discretion of the lap counter.

Ties – Ties in total points awarded to the athlete having the faster run, then if required the faster bike. Absolute ties (all 3 scores the same) scored as ties.



The categories for the event will be U19 (19 and under), 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+, Relays.



  • Wave and lane assignments will be on the start list made available the Friday before race weekend.
  • Because wave and lane assignments will not be available until registration closes the Thursday before race day, we are unable to make wave or lane assignment changes.
  • Wave choice is not guaranteed. Please be early and prepared to switch waves. Do not attempt to make complex plans based on being in a particular wave. We cannot guarantee that athletes will be in the same wave or adjacent lanes.
  • Additional waves will be opened if existing waves are filled.
  • Please note that wave start times are actual gun times – please be on deck well in advance of your wave start time.
  • Race emails are sent using Mailchimp. Please ensure you are subscribed to emails from Triathlon Ontario.




May 5, 2024
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
, , ,


Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
875 Morningside Avenue, Ontario M1C 0C7 Canada
+ Google Map
(416) 283-5222
View Venue Website


May 5, 2024
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
, , ,


Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
875 Morningside Avenue, Ontario M1C 0C7 Canada
+ Google Map
(416) 283-5222
View Venue Website