February 2014

Triathlon Ontario Launches First of a Series of Online Continuing Education Coaching Courses
Triathlon Ontario has partnered with Dr. Greg Wells of the Wells Group to develop and produce triathlon’s premiere series of online continuing education courses targeting NCCP Community Level trained triathlon coaches.
The on-line courses will be comprised of a number of subjects such as Exercise Physiology, Psychology, Strength and Conditioning, Nutrition, Transitions and Sport Specific Technique (Swim, Bike and Run). Each subject heading will consist of 6-10 hours of content divided into approximately 45 minute segments. Coaches will be provided with access to watch the instructional videos and will be required to complete online quizzes. Upon successful completion of the entire course and corresponding quizzes, coaches will receive a certificate of completion from Triathlon Ontario which they can use to market to their skill sets to their clients.

INFINIT Recovery
Our sponsor, Infinit Nutrition has put together an informative video called “Recovery: Don’t Waste Another Workout

The video covers the two phases of recovery:

  1. Recovery starts while you are working out.  Fuelling your body consistently and throughout the entire workout ensures your body is primed with nutrients to support the repair of worked muscles.  You can never completely keep up to the calories burned in a training session, however minimizing the calorie deficit supports best recovery.
  2. Within 30 minutes post workout fuelling with a carbohydrate blend with a good amount of protein ensures full recovery.

Don’t forget members, you get a free consultation to design your custom formula and when you use promo code “TO2014” , you get 20% off all Infinit Nutrition productsClick here to place your order today.

Triple Crown Challenge
The Triple Crown Challenge is a special competition for Age Groupers in recognition of Edmonton’s hosting of the 2014 Age Group World Championship. 2014 presents a rare opportunity to compete in all three (Provincials, Nationals and World’s), making up the “Triple Crown” , on Canadian soil.
It is open to all non-Elite Age Groupers in the Sprint and Olympic disciplines. A $500 cash prize will be awarded to the overall men’s and women’s winner in each distance (i.e. four winners). Points will be assigned to each person based on their age category finish in each race with the winner determined by whomever amasses the LEAST amount of points after all three races are completed. Points will be assigned based on the following system:




1 pt for winning age category 10 pts for winning age category 20 pts for winning age category
2 pts for 2nd place 11pts for 2nd place 21pts for 2nd place
3 pts for 3rd place 12pts for 3rd place 22pts for 3rd place
4 pts for 4th place 13 pts for 4th place 23 pts for 4th place
5 pts for 5th place 14 pts for 5th place 24 pts for 5th place
Continued on ….. Continued on ….. Continued on …..

Click Here for Rules and Qualifying Races

Provincial Development Xmas Camp
As part of our new Provincial Development Program and in partnership with a number of youth clubs,we are once again offering Provincial Development Camps in Ontario.
Check out our 2013 Xmas Camp which was hosted at Carleton University and the Liquid Gym in Ottawa, Ontario…

Awake Chocolate Indoor Triathlon Ontario Championships
C3’s Andrew Yorke and Guelph RTC’s Amelie Kretz won the inaugural Awake Chocolate Indoor Provincial Triathlon Championships at McMaster University.  The Triathlon Ontario Provincial Championships brought together many of the top triathletes in Canada for the first head to head indoor race of their careers.  “A group of friends and I started the indoor racing over 2 decades ago, but this weekend’s race was a re-invention of really bring this format of triathlon racing back in vogue” said race director Barrie Shepley.
The format was very simple.  Every athlete swam for 15minutes to see the maximal distance they could cover.  Then each athlete rode as far as they could on the indoor bikes (scoring total wattage they could average for 15minutes) and then finished off with a 15min distance run on the indoor 200m track. The McMaster University hosted event had grade school, high school, university, age group and top pros all racing the same format.

Indoor Track Meet Hosted by Toronto Triathlon Club (TTC)
The TTC is hosting a track meet on Feb 22nd.  There are a a variety of fun distances to choose- from 100m dash, to the 400m to the mile trial and a 3000m for those who like it longer.  There is also do a 400m relay.
Find out more at Click Here.
$20 for TriOnt members and $25 for non-members.

Draft Legal Certification Series

Who: teens looking to race in draft legal triathlons in the near future
Location: Max Ward Park 2380 Matheson Rd. Etobicoke.
Cost: $60 for the series

Rationale for a series: In order to cover the full set of skills required to safely race in draft legal events, Fit 2 Tri has developed this training series. Our “coach’s guide” for the “Draft Legal “certification program has 8 lessons of approximately 2 – 3 hours each.  We are going to compact these lessons into 2 sessions of approximately 6 hours plus a final evaluation day in order to reduce the travelling (for you and your child) and maximize the time on task.
As you can see from the descriptions below, each session is jammed with important information and skills following a logical progression and building from one session to the next. It is very important that the athlete be able to attend all 3 sessions [unless approved by the coach] for any chance to be certified.

Session 1:  April 26, 9 am to 3 pm

Introduction                                                                             Gear changing

Bike position                                                                           Braking safely

Bike handling skills and signals                                             High speed cornering

Safety checks (bike maintenance)                                      Basic bike communication

Bumping and wheel rubs                                                      Paceline riding [single, rotating and double]

For Registration or More Details Click Here 

Special Offer To All Triathlon Ontario Clubs
MultiSport Canada is introducing the inaugural Niagara Falls Half Iron Triathlon on September 21, 2014. As many of you know this race will cap off the 2014 season and will be the Provincial Long Course Championship. We are happy to announce that MultiSport Canada is extending a special offer to all Triathlon Ontario clubs for registration in the Niagara Falls Half Iron races.
For every 10 members of your club who register for the Niagara Falls Half Iron, MultiSport Canada will donate a free entry to your club. You can give this entry to a member who wants to race a Half Iron, use it as a fundraising prize, raffle it off, it’s up to you.
Read More

Triathlon Ontario is offering New Coaching and Officiating Courses
Whether you:

  • Want to become an official
  • Are interested in learning more about the rules and the technical side of the sport
  • Wanted to try something new OR
  • Just want a FREE TriOnt membership (TriOnt Benefits)

We are offering a Level 1 Official’s Training (PTO) Course in Windsor & Ottawa on March 1 & March 22, 2014.  Details and sign up form located here. (Scroll down to the Official’s section)

How To:

  1. Register Now
  2. Complete the course
  3. Purchase a Triathlon Ontario membership
  4. Officiate one or more races
  5. Receive a refund for your TriOnt Membership
  6. Race for Free for the rest of the season  🙂
  7. It’s just that Easy!!

Stay Tuned for more courses.

There is a new NCCP Community Level coaching course in Toronto coming very soon

Featured Clinics
The 2014 LPC Winter Triathlon Clinics will take place on Jan 11th and Feb 22nd at the new Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre. Triathletes of all abilities will enjoy a full day featuring five triathlon-specific sessions: stroke-correction swim with open water simulations, motivating indoor bike, outdoor run along the Windsor Riverfront, triathlon performance & injury prevention exercises, and a nutrition and hydration Q and A.
Read More and Register Now

Provincial Development Team Training Days
As part of our Provincial Development Program Triathlon Ontario will be running a series of Training Days.  The goal of these Training Days is to bring together talented young triathletes in order to further their technical, tactical and physical development.
Training Days are open to any athlete between the ages of 12 and 25.  Younger athlete’s workout will be no longer than 1 hour.  The Training Days will be held at various locations across Ontario.
There are varying participant limits at each training day so pre-registration is mandatory.  Any athlete who arrives but has not pre-registered will not be allowed to participate.






Sunday, February 16, 2014

Guelph University


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Guelph University




Saturday, February 22, 2014

Trent University


Saturday April 26, 2014

 Trent University



Featured Camps 

Triathlon Ontario Partners with Lisa Bentley to Offer Additional Age Group Training Camps

In an effort to build additional membership value, Triathlon Ontario has partnered with recently announced Triathlon Canada Hall of Fame inductee Lisa Bentley, to offer a series of training camps for age groupers.
All Triathlon Ontario members will receive a 15% discount off the cost of the camps.
The series of camps and details are as follows:
March Break Camp – March 8/9 – 15/16 – $699 CND plus HST or $699 USD – a longer camp with more technique –  includes all coaching, training and technique sessions, Friday night dinner, entry into the National Training Centre (pool time, gym, track), PowerBar Nutrition welcome kit – further details can be found at http://lisabentley.com/success-camps/clermont-success-camps-2013/.
Read More
Download PDF

Triathlon Club of Burlington’s Beginner Program For The Iron Girl and Welland Races
New to the sport or know someone that wants to train for a short distance race? The Triathlon Club of Burlington, along with Pace Performance have put together a coached training and support programs commencing March 24, 2014, specifically for the Welland Sprint and Give-it-a-Try on June 15 and the Women’s only Iron Girl Sprint on august 10th.
Information sessions are being held on January 31 at 10:30am & 7:00pm and February 26 at 6:30 pm, all located at Neworld Runners – 564 Plains Rd. East, Burlington.

Triathlon Ontario members receive a 10-15% discount depending on duration of the program.
For more information and to register go to www.triburlington.ca
Download PDF

Muskoka Trisummit
The Muskoka TriSummit is Canada’s only endurance sports conference put on by endurance athletes for endurance athletes.
What the TriSummit is
The Muskoka TriSummit is an educational opportunity to make endurance athletes, from try-a-triers to experienced, to:

  • Become smarter about their training, their racing, and nutrition strategies
  • Train better with improved technique to improve your efficiency and power, and
  • To learn from some of the best in the sport including our keynote speaker Matt Fitzgerald

Attend hands on technique clinics with low instructor to attendee ratio so you can get some personal tips on how to improve your technique
Read More

Q&A with Coach Greg and Tara’s Nutrition Analysis
It’s a New triathlon season.  Why not grab some free gear while you’re training.  Ask Tara to look at your Nutrition or Ask Ontario’s Development Coach Greg a training question by contacting developmentprog@triathlonontario.com and if you are featured in our monthly e-newsletter you will receive some FREE triathlon swag.
Q & A with Coach Greg
Greg Kealey is based out of Ottawa and is Triathlon Ontario’s Provincial Development Coach and Ontario’s Canada Summer Games coach for Triathlon.   If you have a training or racing question you’d like answered in an upcoming newsletter, send them to developmentprog@triathlonontario.com.

Hey Coach Greg,
I‘m thinking about buying a rowing machine for the winter months. I hate stationary bikes and treadmills. It’s not the same as being outside but I remember loving the row machine in High School.  Do you think that would be a good cross training piece of equipment?

Thanks Daniel

Hi Daniel,
Rowing is a great cross training for the off season.  It will help with aerobic conditioning, upper body muscle endurance and I use rowing machines regularly during the winter with our junior teams to add variety and get different muscle groups firing.
Personally I think its a great addition to winter training equipment.  Add some variety and keeps winter training fresh.

Provincial Development Coach Greg

 Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics