October 2014
What’s New @TriOntario
Stellar Lineup of Guest Speakers for Our Annual Day of Seminars and Awards Luncheon
– Lisa Bentley to headline as special guest speaker at awards luncheon –
We have an incredible line up of guest speakers and seminar presenters for our Annual Day of Seminars and Awards Luncheon, in conjunction with our AGM on November 8th, 2014 in Mississauga, Ontario. The Seminars are open to everyone that has an interest in attending and learning more about training techniques and being inspired to achieve their goals, whether that be coaches, athletes, parents etc.
Please see here for the list of prices and times of the seminars and the registration forms. Individuals can choose to attend all or some of the seminars and those that want to attend just the Awards Luncheon are welcome to stay for the Special Guest Speaker.
The seminar topics, list of presenters and bios are as follows:
“Strength Training for Triathlon Performance” – Ryan MacDonald, 9:15 am
Over the past 10 years, Ryan MacDonald has spent time working with provincial, national and professional athletes from a variety of sports and recently joined the staff at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario where he is working alongside Canada’s top athletes as a Strength and Conditioning coach. Ryan has an Honours BA in Kinesiology from Wilfred Laurier University and is in the process of completing his MSc in Exercise Science from University of Toronto.
“Fuel for Sport” – Jennifer Sygo, 10:30 am
Jennifer Sygo M.Sc., RD is a dietitian, writer, author, and professional speaker specializing in prevention and performance. A leading sport nutritionist, Jennifer has worked with athletes ranging from the recreational level to Olympic and world medalists, as well as professional athletes in the NHL, CFL, and Major League Baseball. She currently serves as the team dietitian for Athletics Canada’s sprint, hurdles, and relay team in Toronto, and also works with Gymnastics Canada and Triathlon Canada.
She has provided presentations and keynote addresses for organizations including Dietitians of Canada, Kellogg’s, GE, and RBC, and her nutrition expertise is regularly featured in the media, including CBC News and Radio, CanadaAM, and CTV. She is a regular contributor to Ricardo Magazine, and her nutrition column appears in the Health section of the National Post every Tuesday. In 2011, Jennifer was featured as the nutrition expert in the documentary Run, Run Revolution, a part of the CBC’s acclaimed Live Right Now Series. In 2014, Jennifer’s first book, “Unmasking Superfoods: the Truth and Hype about Acai, Quinoa, Chia, Blueberries, and More”, became a national best-seller.
“Be a Life Champion” – Lisa Bentley – Awards Luncheon Guest Speaker
Lisa Bentley is a motivational speaker as well as an 11-time Ironman Champion and recent inductee into the Triathlon Canada Hall of Fame. Lisa’s list of accomplishments include; 11-time Ironman 70.3 Champion, five top ten finishes at the Ironman World Championships, gold medalist and flag bearer at the 1995 Pan Am Games. She also has done colour commentary for CBC, CTV, TSN, Sportsnet and IRONMANlive for numerous ITU World Cups, Olympics and Ironman events.
“Technique Will Determine How Far Your Fitness Will Take You” – Greg Kealey, 2:15pm
Greg Kealey has been the Provincial Development Coach for Triathlon Ontario since 2012. In 2001, Greg founded the Bytown Storm in Ottawa and since 2006, Bytown athletes have accumulated over 30 Provincial, National and International podium finishes. The club is one of the few in Canada to have programs for both youth as young as 8 and adults, with recreational and draft legal streams. Some of Greg’s accomplishments include; Triathlon Canada Elite Coach of the Year (2010), Triathlon Canada Award of Excellence (2012), Triathlon Ontario Coach of the Year (2008, 2009) and Greg is only one of three coaches in Ontario to be an NCCP Certified Competitive Development Coach.
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 3:30 pm. There is no cost to attend and all active Triathlon Ontario members are encouraged to attend.
Athlete Nominations
Call for Annual Award Winners
Every year at the end of the season Triathlon Ontario hosts an awards luncheon to recognize the accomplishments of its members. In addition to athletic achievements, there are a number of awards that celebrate the contributions of the sport’s most important people such as coaches, volunteers, builders and officials.
Due to the number of members and achievements, Triathlon Ontario relies on the nominations in order to celebrate its member’s achievements. If there are no nominations for an award, no award will be given. Please have the nomination forms in by October 16th, 2014.
The annual awards luncheon will be held at Novotel Mississauga, located at 3670 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, Ontario at 12pm. Details of the annual day of seminars and guest speakers is currently being finalized and will be announced shortly.
Click here for the Awards Nomination Form.
We’ve Partnered with PowerWatts to Provide Discounted Pricing to our Members
We have teamed up with PowerWatts to give you the opportunity to train in a unique, comfortable, and electrifying environment during the fall winter season. TriOnt members receive a special discount for specific programs, another way we are giving greater value to our members. The PowerWatts training system offers a distinctive group (or individual) indoor cycling experience that will evaluate your technique, bike positioning, and power output, as well as, program customization based on your needs created by PowerCoaches. Each technique, endurance and power development instructional workout is lead by a certified and experienced PowerCoach. It’s fun and challenging because each rider works at their own specific level. Pricing and contact details below.
Training Program
60-90 minute triathlon / cycling specific PowerWatts classes facilitated by a certified PowerWatts coach using both the flagship PowerWatts Multi –Adjustable system and revolutionary PowerWatts E-Motion Roller Platforms
Individual threshold testing for CP20 + FTP with results used as markers for race pace performaces
Post Session data reports tracking all metrics available for individual use with Strava, TrainingPeaks, or interpretation + feedback by PowerWatts coaches.
Ride – a – Race
Simulated recon rides for any event in the world, from Muskoka to Hawaii.
Pricing Structure
$38.00 per session 1x per week (Regular $41.50)
$36.50 per session 2x per week (Regular $40.00)
$35.00 per session 3x per week (Regular $38.00)
Total price based on a 20-30 week program.
108 Vine Ave, Toronto – High Park – augy.marmelo@gmail.com
150 Eglinton Ave East, 5th Floor, Toronto – The Sports Medicine Specialists – ryan.pwerwatts@gmail.com
Christmas is Coming
Only 11 Weeks till Christmas
Finished your Xmas shopping for everyone that is not on your notty list? Head over to our new online store for our Signature Roots hoodie (top seller) or pick up a myFloat to keep your gear dry while you’re training in the spring. We all also have great stocking stuffers: TriOnt arm warmers (non compression), visors, cool dry hats, water bottles and license plate covers. Every dollar spent at our store is reinvested back into the sport to help support the growth of Multisport in Ontario, guaranteed.
We also offer customizations for special items (a personalized, special thank you to your members?) for your club members? You can also buy direct from an even larger catalogue by checking out (insert link to our website) or contacting Ian Feldman direct at ifeldman@genumark.com or 416-498-4334.
SIRC Member ID
Hey Coaches have you gotten your FREE SIRC member ID? It’s a great reference tool. Don’t delay, email info@triathlonontario.com for your ID today.
More info on our partnership with SIRC
Introduction to Competition Coaching
New NCCP Intro to Competitive Coaching Part 2 Seminar
We are holding a Comp. Intro Part 2 seminar on November 22 & 23, 2014 in Milton at the Milton Sports Center. This is the third stop in the competitive introduction pathway meant for those interested in professional, competitive level coaching for adult triathletes. This seminar will explain in detail the technical, planning and philosophy of professional coaching.
If you are a community level coach and have completed the Portfolio Paper 1 and the Making Ethical Decisions online exam and are interested in participating in this seminar, please email us at info@triathlonontario.com with you expression of interest and when you have completed the prerequisites as well as your NCCP number. This information will help us verify your eligibility.
Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost: Participant: $300.00
Click Here for the full Competition Introduction Pathway
NCCP Peterborough Community Level Coaching Course
We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on November 1 and 2, 2014 that is in Peterborough. The host venue is the Community Room in the Real Canadian Superstore, 769 Borden Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 0B6. This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults. The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.
Time: 8:30AM – 4:00PM
Cost: Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00
This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.
More info on Triathlon Coaching
New NCCP Community Level Coaching Course in London
We have added a stimulating and informative new Community Level coaching course in London on the weekend of November 15 & 16, 2014. It will be held at the University of Western Ontario, Room 3012 Thames Hall, London, Ontario.
Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost: Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00
More info on Triathlon Coaching
Continuing Education Course
Filming Underway For Next Set Of Continuing Education Courses
Filming of the next installment, swim techniques, is well under way. This installment will supplement the “Exercise Physiology for Triathletes”, courses taught by internationally renowned physiologist Dr. Greg Wells, which was launched earlier this year. In partnership with Dr. Wells, our premiere series of online con-ed courses targets NCCP Community Level trained triathlon coaches that are seeking to further develop their professional skill set.
Course Registration
For those coaches interested in signing up for the Exercise Physiology for Triathletes con-ed course or for the next NCCP Community Level coaching course you can do so by going to our Coaches home page on the Triathlon Ontario website at http://triathlonontario.com/members/coaches-2/.
Click here for more info about Dr Wells
Thanksgiving With TriOnt
Happy Thanksgiving from the Triathlon staff
Do what you gotta do to stay motivated after those extra helpings at dinner.
“Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Gotta look fabulous.”
Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics