February 2015
What’s New @TriOntario
If you are still holding onto a 2014 Triathlon Ontario membership, don’t forget that it will expire on the night of March 31, 2015. Renew soon so you can continue enjoying all of the great membership benefits of the TriOnt family.
You can easily renew or sign up for a new membership by clicking here.
For a full list of membership benefits and why you should join, check out our website!!
Triathlon Ontario Camps & Clinics
Ultimate Age Grouper Swim Clinic
In partnership with the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario (CSIO), we are offering a world class Open Water Swim Clinic specifically designed for Age Groupers. There are many quality swim clinics available but not have the level of expertise and the rare opportunity to experience the multimillion dollar Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre. You don’t need to be an Olympian to work with Olympic level coaches and consultants.
To register click here
For full schedule click here
Triathlon Ontario’s Muskoka and Mont Tremblant IRONMAN® Training Camps
If anyone is considering doing their first ever (or fifteenth) IRONMAN® Muskoka or Mont Tremblant race to hone their skills, why not try out one of our camps. Each camp will feature Lisa Bentley and her LBT coaching team who are offering premium training to each participant. Next price increase starts March 1st, 2015, so sign up soon.
*Discounts available if signing up for both camps
Date: July 10-12, 2015 (Mont Tremblant)
Date: July 24-26, 2015 (Muskoka)
If registered before March 1st: $400 + 13% HST ($52.00) = $452.00
If registered after March 1st: $450 + 13% HST ($58.50) = $508.50
Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Mont Tremblant)
Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Muskoka)
Age Grouper News
Toronto Triathlon Festival – Sprint and Standard Provincial Championship & National Qualifier
The Toronto Triathlon Festival (TTF) will host 2015 Provincial Championships for both the Sprint and Standard (Olympic) distances. The TTF has also been deemed a “National Qualifying” race by Triathlon Canada. As such, there will be three automatic 2016 ITU World Championship qualifying spots in each distance for each gender in each age group. For those interested in wearing the maple leaf in 2016 in Mexico but may not finish on the podium, there is still a very good opportunity to claim an extra spot but you must race in a qualifying race such as the TTF…
New Long Course Provincial Series & Provincial Championship
We are proud to announce a new Long Course Provincial Series for Age Groupers and that the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 Muskoka race on July 5th, 2015 will host this year’s Long Course Triathlon Provincial Championships. In order to participate in the Series, athletes must be Triathlon Ontario members by the final point tally, after the last event. The list of the five events and their associated point weights are as follows:
Race Date Point Weights
MSC Welland Half Triathlon June 14, 2015 1.0x
IRONMAN 70.3 Muskoka July 5, 2015 1.25x (Provincials)
MSC Long Course Triathlon August 2nd, 2015 1.0x
IRONMAN Muskoka August 30th, 2015 1.5x
Niagara Barrelman September 20, 2015 1.0x
Indoor Provincial Championships – Second Half
– Earn points to become Provincial Indoor Champion –
Just a reminder that the second installment of the Triathlon Ontario Indoor Provincial Championships will be held on February 28th. This race’s points will be worth 1.5 times that of the first race.
The last race will be held at McMaster University. The format will consist of a 15 minute timed swim in a 25 metre pool; points will be allocated for the distance covered in the allotted time. Athletes will then have a five minute transition time to prepare for the bike leg. The bike leg consists of a 15 minute time trial on stationary electronic bikes, points will be allocated for distance covered. Athletes will then have another five minute transition time to prepare for the run. The run consists of a 15 minute timed run on a 200 metre indoor track. The further your go in each leg the more points you will accumulate. The higher your score, the higher you will rank in the overall race (by age category).
Click here for Part 1 results
For registration and further details please click here.
Youth News
Youth Cup Series
2015 will be the third year for the developmental competition whose purpose is to provide youth aged athletes (14-15) competitive draft legal racing opportunities and youth aged athletes (12-13) an introduction to competitive racing through a series of non-draft legal races. The Series began in 2013 with four races in one category (14-15) with less than 20 participants with one draft legal race. In 2014, the Series expanded to include five races, three of which were draft legal in the 14-15 age category and four races in the newly created 12-13 age category. Participation grew to 40 athletes in the 14-15 age group and 45 in the 12-13 age group…
For point breakdowns and more Youth Cup information please visit our Youth Cup page. Athletes must be members of Triathlon Ontario to be included in the Series.
2015 OSG Qualifiers
As per the previously announced changes to next season’s Ontario Summer Games (OSG), the qualifying events will be within the 2015 Ontario Youth Cup with one race in 2016 acting as a last chance “wild card” race for those looking to qualify. The OSG is open to athletes born in either 2000 or 2001.
The 2016 OSG will be in Mississauga and is a draft legal race, athletes must be draft legal certified before the OSG race date in order to participate as well as be Triathlon Ontario members in the year of qualification and in the year of the OSG…
Upcoming Training & Development Days
Just a reminder to all of the youth and junior athletes that the third and fourth sessions of our Youth/Junior Training Days will be held in Ottawa on February 28, Peterborough on March 7, Guelph on March 8. Register today!
Registration forms and a complete list of the schedules can be found here
Junior/U23/Elite News
Florida Camp
Our Provincial Development Team, made up of some of the top Juniors and U23s in the province, are heading down to Florida this weekend for an intense week long training camp in preparation for the CAMTRI North American Championships later in March. We are excited to announce that one of the ITU’s consistently best swimmers, Sara McLarty, will be joining the team to do a swim clinic for the team. We’ll be posting some photo’s on our social media pages during the camp so keep an eye out for them.
Coming Soon – New Draft Legal Race Series
The final touches are being put on the first ever Junior Draft Legal Cup Series in Ontario. The Series will be similar to the Youth Cup but for Juniors aged 16-19. The Series will either be three or four races in total and should be announced in the coming weeks.
We also excited to announce a new two race series for U23s and Elites. The two divisions will compete as one division and will be announced at the same time as the Junior Cup.
Quest For Gold
We are proud to announce a draft list of athletes who have been nominated for Ontario Cards under the 2014-2015 Quest for Gold – Ontario Athlete Assistance Program (OAAP). The athletes nominated were selected using the sport specific selection criteria developed by Triathlon Ontario, approved by its Board of Directors and applied by (the) Selection Committee.
Club News
Club Sanctioning
– Time to get your club sanctioning in –
Welcome back to those clubs that are re-sanctioning and a warm welcome to two new clubs, Collingwood Triathlon Club and NRG Performance Training, to the TriOnt Family. If you want to know why your club should sanction, check out the benefits of sanctioning with TriOnt. Click here for the benefits of joining a club for those that have never joined a club or are unsure of the benefits they can tap into.
New For 2015
• LBT-Lisa Bentley Tri
• The Finish Line Du Tri Women’s Club
Welcome Back
• Blast Triathlon Club
• Durham Region Triathlon Club
• Guelph Marlins Triathlon Club
• Hamilton Hammerheads Athletics Club
• Kincardine Triathlon Club
• North York Aquatic Club
• Saugeen Triathlon Ontario
• TIM – Team Iron Motivation
• Triathlon Club of Burlington
Coaching News
New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course
We are holding a New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course on April 25 & 26, 2014 at the Milton Sports Centre, in Milton, Ontario. This is a two day workshop for The NCCP Youth Development Coaching program which follows principles of LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) emphasizing participation, skill learning, developmentally appropriate training, and FUN as integral components of multisport experiences for young people. LTAD ensures that young athletes are engaging in the most efficient, safe, and enjoyable practice activities for their stage of growth and athletic ability.
*If you’re coaching youth or are considering it, this is a must have course.
Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost: Participant: $300.00
Sign up today to reserve your spot.
More info on Triathlon Coaching
New NCCP Toronto Community Level Coaching Course
We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on April 11 & 12, 2015 that is in Toronto. The host venue is the Community Room in the Sport Alliance Ontario, 3 Concorde Gate Suite 205, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3N7. This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults. The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.
Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost: Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00
This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.
More info on Triathlon Coaching
Discounted Age Group
Need more reasons why you should be a Triathlon Ontario member?
Toronto Triathlon Club Winter Training Camp in Tucson, Arizona
Join the Toronto Triathlon Club for their inaugural TTC Winter Training Camp in sunny Tucson Arizona from April 12-19th, 2015. Sign up by Feb 15th! : http://www.torontotriathlonclub.org/event-1799667
We will be doing a 7 night training camp geared at the intermediate athlete looking to gain early season volume and distance for half and full iron distance races. Prices for TTC members, TriOnt members and non-members available please email Exec-director@torontotriathlonclub.org to sign up.
Double Occupancy Queen Room (2 beds), Single Occupancy King Room (1 bed), Double Occupancy King Room (1 bed)- all available
7 P.M.
UNTIL APRIL 29, 2015
“ It was great to do a class
in my own basement”
“ I didn’t have to fight
traffic, it was awesome”
“ Please sign me up
for the next one”
Triathlon Ontario members have a discount!
Use code TRIONT to get it!
2015 NRG Florida Winter Training Camps in Clermont, Florida
Afraid of another Polar Vortex this winter?? Join us in Florida Feb 14-21 or Feb 28 – March 7 for a great week of training in the heat! NRG camps are open to all athletes, with hands on coaching from some of the top coaches in the country and an all-inclusive camp where you get to train like a Pro. This is a great chance to get away from winter and get a head start on your season!
Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $50 discount off the regular price, but are also eligible for our early bird discounts so you can save up to $150 so book now!
You can find all the details here
2015 NRG Europe Camp
NRG is headed to Menton, France May 7-17 this year. Menton is located just 15km from Nice and 5km from Monaco and Italy. We will be located on the water so there is easy access to open water swimming in the Mediterranean, as well we are at the foot of the famous Col de la Madone climb that many of the world’s top cyclists use to test their fitness. Enjoy 8 days of fully supported swim/bike/run training with the NRG team in France!
Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $100 discount and are also eligible for our early bird discount as well so don’t wait!
You can find all the details here
LPC Swim Video Analysis Sessions
For you winter enthusiasts LPC is offering an exciting clinic on Feb. 21 & Apr. 11, 2015 in Ontario, for all athletes. LPC coaches James Loaring and Mark Linseman will capture your above and underwater swim stroke while providing prompt personalized feedback on the primary areas you should focus on for your stroke correction.
Triathlon Ontario members will receive a 20% discount when applying promo code TRION.
You can find all the details here
Already psyched? Sign up here
LPC Functional Threshold Power Testing Service
Power provides the best indicator of improvements in your cycling fitness, largely because tracking power is both reliable and repeatable. It can be difficult to track improvement using time or speed if the courses you ride, or the conditions you ride in, are different. On Feb. 21 & Apr. 11, for 2015, LPC will be offering an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test to help track improvements in fitness, optimal pacing, identifying bike fit and pedaling inefficiencies, and establishing power training zones that reflect an individual’s current fitness. This event is limited to 12 participants per session.
Triathlon Ontario members using promo code TRION will receive a 20% discount.
You can find all the details here
Click here to register
2015 Muskoka TriSummit
– Keynote Speakers: Dr. Greg Wells PhD. & Barrie Shepley –
Triathlon Ontario is pleased to announce it is once again sponsoring the Muskoka TriSummit. From May 8th to 10th, thirteen of Ontario’s top triathlon coaches, professional athletes, and educators will come together for the 3rd annual Muskoka TriSummit. This is Canada’s only endurance sports conference put on by endurance athletes for endurance athletes.
Geared for all levels of endurance athletes (first timers included), the TriSummit will make athletes become smarter about their training, racing, nutrition and enhance their training with techniques to improve efficiency and power. Walk away race day ready!
Click here to register or for a full list of lectures and additional information regarding the 2015 Muskoka TriSummit.
Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics