January 2015

What’s New @TriOntario

2015 Membership Officially Open for Registration!!! 

– Sign up today and start earning membership benefits –

Happy New Year from everyone at Triathlon Ontario!  As you begin to consider what events you plan on participating in don’t forget to renew your membership for the 2015 season, or if you have never been a member before, there are lots of great reasons to join the family and support the growth and development of Multisport in Ontario.

You can easily renew or sign up for a new membership by clicking here.

For a full list of membership benefits and why you should join, check out our website!!

What’s New for 2015?
We recognize that many athletes train alone or with groups that might not be part of a sanctioned club and therefore are uninsured while training.  Unfortuantely, there are dangers inhierant to training since most of our training is outdoors on roads, in lakes, and busy sidewalks.    We are excited to announce our new Individual Athlete Insurance.  For just an additional $10 on top of your membership fee, you can have extended coverage from our $5 million Liability insurance and $50,000 (up from $20,000 in 2014) Sport Accident insurance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, worldwide regardless of any sanctioning.

New to triathlon or not sure who Triathlon Ontario is?
We are a non-profit organization and the recognized governing body for Multisport in Ontario.  We undertake a number of duties and responsibilities on behalf of athletes, coaches, clubs, race directors and officials to ensure the growth and development of the sport in the province in a fun and safe way.  Every dollar is re-invested back into the sport in one way or another.

Some of the many functions we perform on behalf of all athletes, members and non-members, include:

  • Promote  the growth and development of the sport
  • Interpret and implement the rules of play
  • Thoroughly review and sanction races, ensuring race directors follow proper safety procedures and race designs that are fair for all participants
  • Issue liability insurance for the protection of all athletes, race directors, employees, volunteers and officials at all sanctioned races plus sport accident insurance for all members at those events, including travel to and from those sanctioned events
  • Locate, train, certify and supply first class officials to sanctioned races that not only ensure the race is fair to all participants, regardless of ability, but also to ensure race directors adhere to their obligations to safety
  • Oversee NCCP coaching training and certification process for the province, as well as, develop continuing education opportunities
    Run various programs for Age Groupers, Youth, Junior, High Performance and Paratriathletes.

 Club Sanctioning

– Time to get your club sanctioning in –
We hope you are all surviving the winter and looking forward to the upcoming triathlon season.  Welcome back to those clubs that are re-sanctioning and a warm welcome to two new clubs, Collingwood Triathlon Club and NRG Performance Training, to the TriOnt Family.

If you want to know why your club should sanction, check out the benefits of sanctioning with TriOnt

Click here for the benefits of joining a club for those that have never joined a club or are unsure of the benefits they can tap into.

New For 2015

  •          Collingwood Triathlon Club
  •          NRG Performance Training

Welcome Back

  •          Balance Point Triathlon Club
  •          Barrie Baydogs Triathlon Club
  •          C3 Canadian Cross Training Club
  •          Discomfort Zone Multisport
  •          Fitness Dynamics
  •          Guelph Triathlon Club
  •          IronStride
  •          KW Tri Club
  •          LPC Triathlon Club
  •          Mettle Multisport Triathlon Club
  •          Tornado Triathlon Club
  •          Toronto Triathlon Club

 Upcoming Youth/Junior Training Days 

Just a reminder to all of the youth and junior athletes that the second and third sessions of our Youth/Junior Training Days will be held in Peterborough on Ottawa on January 24, Peterborough on February 7, Guelph on February 8 and back in Ottawa on February 28.  Register today!

Registration forms and a complete list of the schedules can be found here

Triathlon Ontario’s Muskoka and Mont Tremblant IRONMAN® Training Camps

Triathlon Ontario has partnered with Lisa Bentley and her LBT coaching team to offer a premium training camp that is a must for anyone planning do to the first ever IRONMAN® Muskoka or Mont Tremblant race.

Many triathletes want to perform at their best and need a little jump start to their daily training routine. Triathlon Ontario has teamed up with 11-time IRONMAN® Champion, Lisa Bentley and her experienced coaching team to help take their preparation to the next level!

Triathletes will bring their goals and work ethics and leave fitter, stronger and better motivated.  This camp will provide a personalized one-on-one instruction and coaching so space is limited.

Date: July 10-12, 2015 (Mont Tremblant)
Date: July 24-26, 2015 (Muskoka)

The Camp Package Includes:

  • All training and coaching sessions, discussion sessions and question and answer sessions and one-on-one debriefs with Lisa Bentley and David Cracknell
  •  PowerBar gift bag with training nutrition
  •  Dinner on Saturday and brunch on Sunday
  •  Motivational talk on Saturday night
  •  Fully supported bike and run with on course nutrition complements of PowerBar


Discounted rate for lodging at Fairmont Tremblant or Deerhurst Resort


If registered before March 1st: $400 + 13% HST ($52.00) = $452.00
If registered after March 1st: $450 + 13% HST ($58.50) = $508.50

Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Mont Tremblant)
Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Muskoka)

Coming Soon!!!  The Ultimate Age Grouper Swim Clinic

Triathlon Ontario will be announcing soon that on February 21st, in partnership with the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario, we will be hosting an incredible swim clinic at the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre.  Your day will include swim and video analysis (individual and group review), a nutritional seminar, two swim sessions that will feature lots of technique and open water drills, as well as a talk by a Canadian Olympic open water swimmer.

This will be your chance to swim in the multimillion dollar Pan Am Centre before the rest of the world does and have access to the CSIO’s Olympic coaches, biomachanist, nutrionist and meet and pick up tips from a Canadian Olympic Open Water swimmer.  Spaces will be limited so keep your eyes on your inbox over the next week or so for full details!

Indoor Provincial Championships – Part Deux
– Earn points to become Provincial Indoor Champion –

Just a reminder that the second installment of the Triathlon Ontario Indoor Provincial Championships will be held on February 28th.  This race’s points will be worth 1.5 times that of the first race.

The last race will be held at McMaster University. The format will consist of a 15 minute timed swim in a 25 metre pool; points will be allocated for the distance covered in the allotted time.   Athletes will then have a five minute transition time to prepare for the bike leg.  The bike leg consists of a 15 minute time trial on stationary electronic bikes, points will be allocated for distance covered.  Athletes will then have another five minute transition time to prepare for the run.  The run consists of a 15 minute timed run on a 200 metre indoor track.  The further your go in each leg the more points you will accumulate. The higher your score, the higher you will rank in the overall race (by age category).

Relays & Clubs
Athletes can also form a two or three person relay team or you can compete as a club.  For a club to compete for the title it must be a Triathlon Ontario sanctioned club.  The format of the club competition is simply count your best four results from your club members and at least one must be a female.  You can enter as many club members as you like.

Entry fee for December 13th is just $25 plus HST.  Indoor triathlon is a great way to challenge yourself, compete with others and break up the monotony of winter training. The easy format doesn’t require a bike or wind trainer, all you need to bring is swim and running gear. Compete in age group, school or relay categories and there will be great prizes and fun for all!

Click here for Part 1 results

For registration and further details please click here.

New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course

We are holding a New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course on April 25 & 26, 2014 at the Milton Sports Centre, in Milton, Ontario.  This is a two day workshop for The NCCP Youth Development Coaching program which follows principles of LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) emphasizing participation, skill learning, developmentally appropriate training, and FUN as integral components of multisport experiences for young people.  LTAD ensures that young athletes are engaging in the most efficient safe, and enjoyable practice activities for their stage of growth and athletic ability.

This workshop provides an excellent introduction for coaches to: youth focused coaching concepts, youth specific coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for youth in an inspiring, comfortable, discussion encouraged environment.  There is an active component where coaches will work alongside youth athletes in running and transition activities.  The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.  This course involves activities: in a classroom setting, on an indoor pool deck, and outside with youth athletes.  Please dress accordingly.

Time:      8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost:      Participant: $300.00

Sign up today to reserve your spot.
More info on Triathlon Coaching

New NCCP Toronto Community Level Coaching Course

We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on April 11 & 12, 2015 that is in Toronto.  The host venue is the Community Room in the Sport Alliance Ontario, 3 Concorde Gate Suite 205, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3N7.  This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults.  The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.

Time:      8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost:      Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00

This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.

More info on Triathlon Coaching

2015 Muskoka TriSummit
– Keynote Speakers: Dr. Greg Wells PhD. & Barrie Shepley –

Triathlon Ontario is pleased to announce it is once again sponsoring the Muskoka TriSummit.  From May 8th to 10th, thirteen of Ontario’s top triathlon coaches, professional athletes, and educators will come together for the 3rd annual Muskoka TriSummit. This is Canada’s only endurance sports conference put on by endurance athletes for endurance athletes.

Geared for all levels of endurance athletes (first timers included), the TriSummit will make athletes become smarter about their training, racing, nutrition and enhance their training with techniques to improve efficiency and power.  Walk away race day ready!


  • CanFitPro’s Preconference for Coaches and Trainers titled “Training the Triathlete”
  • Seminars geared to both novices and experienced athletes alike on topics such as: science-based recovery techniques, race specificity & muscular endurance, enhancing your performance through nutrition, cycling racing tactics & distances, and the balance if speed & comfort on the bike.
  • Small groups, high coach to athlete ratio, hands on clinics and workshops in swim, bike, run, core, and transition clinics
  • A fully supported IRONMAN 70.3 Muskoka Training Day with Personal Best’s Barrie Shepley, Sean Bechtel, and others
  • The first TriSummit Team Triathlon
  • Two keynote addresses by Dr. Greg Wells and Barrie Shepley

A great banquet and social evening where the sport of triathlon will be celebrated in a way you have never experienced before.

Click here to register or for a full list of lectures and additional information regarding the 2015 Muskoka TriSummit.

Discounted Age Group Camps and Clinics

PB Cycle

7 P.M.

UNTIL APRIL 29, 2015

“ It was great to do a class
in my own basement”

“ I didn’t have to fight
traffic, it was awesome”

“ Please sign me up
for the next one”





Triathlon Ontario members have a discount!

Use code TRIONT to get it!

Need more reasons why you should be a Triathlon Ontario member?  

Check out the great discounts on these great camps and clinics from our friends at NRG and LPC!

2015 NRG Florida Winter Training Camps in Clermont, Florida

Afraid of another Polar Vortex this winter?? Join us in Florida Feb 14-21 or Feb 28 – March 7 for a great week of training in the heat! NRG camps are open to all athletes, with hands on coaching from some of the top coaches in the country and an all-inclusive camp where you get to train like a Pro. This is a great chance to get away from winter and get a head start on your season!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $50 discount off the regular price, but are also eligible for our early bird discounts so you can save up to $150 so book now!

You can find all the details here

2015 NRG Europe Camp

NRG is headed to Menton, France May 7-17 this year. Menton is located just 15km from Nice and 5km from Monaco and Italy.  We will be located on the water so there is easy access to open water swimming in the Mediterranean, as well we are at the foot of the famous Col de la Madone climb that many of the world’s top cyclists use to test their fitness. Enjoy 8 days of fully supported swim/bike/run training with the NRG team in France!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $100 discount and are also eligible for our early bird discount as well so don’t wait!

You can find all the details here

LPC Swim Video Analysis Sessions

For you winter enthusiasts LPC is offering an exciting clinic on Jan. 10, Feb. 21 & Apr. 11, 2015 in Ontario, for all athletes.  LPC coaches James Loaring and Mark Linseman will capture your above and underwater swim stroke while providing prompt personalized feedback on the primary areas you should focus on for your stroke correction.

Recording under the water allows for a clear picture of what is happening leading to a better stroke and faster time.  LPC will be using a GoPro camera to record the front, beneath, and the side of the swimmer, review the data and provide tips for immediate improvement.  As an added feature, your stroke footage will be uploaded to a secure webpage for future reference.
There is a 10 participant cap per session.

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a 20% discount when applying promo code TRION.

You can find all the details here

Already psyched?  Sign up here

LPC Functional Threshold Power Testing Service

Power provides the best indicator of improvements in your cycling fitness, largely because tracking power is both reliable and repeatable.  It can be difficult to track improvement using time or speed if the courses you ride, or the conditions you ride in, are different.  On Jan. 10, Feb. 21 & Apr. 11, for 2015, LPC will be offering an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test to help track improvements in fitness, optimal pacing, identifying bike fit and pedaling inefficiencies, and establishing power training zones that reflect an individual’s current fitness.  This event is limited to 12 participants per session.

Triathlon Ontario members using promo code TRION will receive a 20% discount.

You can find all the details here

Click here to register

Don’t Forget to Join our New LinkedIn Group

Do you have a LinkedIn account?  Have questions about races or training or just love to talk triathlon?  Then you should know we’ve started a new Age Group Community page on LinkedIn that you should join.  It’s a discussion forum where you can ask questions or answer other people’s questions and share your love of the sport.  You can join here http://linkd.in/1qDZgeU.

Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics