May Newsletter

What’s New @TriOntario

Attention all 2014 members!
Your membership has now expired so it’s time to renew

In addition to all of the great benefits of memberships like insurance coverage, magazine subscription, great discounts on races, products and services and inclusion in various provincial series part of your membership dollars go towards supporting the growth of and development of the sport.
For example, did you know that through Triathlon Ontario sponsored programs such as the NTC Guelph, Quest for Gold Athlete Assistance and the Provincial Development Team, 25 of Canada’s top triathletes at the Elite, U23 and Jr level receive support to help achieve their dreams? Not everyone may reach the podium at upcoming Olympics but none will without your support.

A big thank you to the over 2,400 members that have renewed so far for the 2015 season and those of you that have made donations. We are a non-profit organization and in an environment where funding is being cut from outside sources every dollar counts.

You can easily renew or sign up for a new membership by clicking here.

For a full list of membership benefits and why you should join, check out our website!

Stay Warm & Stylish

As we peel off the winter coats and begin to train outside again, don’t forget that it still can get cold at night.

Keep warm with one of our Classic Signature Hoodie from Roots. It has all of the great elements of ruggedness that reminds us that we’re not meant to take the easy way.

Grab a Roots Hoodie at our store and help make a amazing triathlon!


Triathlon Ontario Camps & Clinics

Triathlon Ontario’s Muskoka and Mont Tremblant IRONMAN® Training Camps

If anyone is considering doing their first ever (or 15th) IRONMAN® Muskoka or Mont Tremblant race to hone their skills, why not try out one of our camps. Each camp will feature Lisa Bentley and her LBT coaching team who are offering premium training to each participant.

*Discounts available if signing up for both camps

Date: July 10-12, 2015 (Mont Tremblant)
Date: July 24-26, 2015 (Muskoka)

Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Mont Tremblant)
Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Muskoka)

Age Grouper News

“Du the Double” Duathlon Challenge
– Du both duathlon Provincial Championships at Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge, $500 prize to top male and female –

The “Du-the-Double” Duathlon Challenge consists of Age Groupers competing in both the Sprint and International/Standard Distance Duathlon Provincial Championships on August 8 & 9, 2015 at Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge Triathlon Weekend.The rules are simple, athletes must be Triathlon Ontario members and must compete as Age Groupers in their respective age groups. Points will be awarded based on finishing position…

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For more information and registration please go to MSC Bracebridge.

Duathlon Provincials Announcement
– Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge to have two automatic qualification spots for each duathlon distance for the 2016 ITU World Championships –

MSC Bracebridge will host the Sprint Duathlon and International Distance Duathlon Provincial Championships on August 8 & 9, 2015. In addition to being named host of the Provincial Championships, the event will also serve as a National Qualifier and will have two automatic qualifying spots per age group for each of the two Duathlon distances for the 2016 ITU World Duathon Championships…

Read More

Youth/Junior News

Registration is Now Open For Orillia and Dunrobin KOSs
– Youth and Junior Cup Series & OSG Qualifiers –

For those that are interested in registering for the Junior and Youth cup, registration is now open for another two stops in the Series. Don’t forget that registration is open for the Draft Legal Provincial Championships. These three races are also Ontario Summer Games qualifiers.

Athletes must be draft legal certified before the OSG race date in order to participate as well as be Triathlon Ontario members in the year of qualification and in the year of the OSG. For more information please see our OSG page.

Please follow this link to sign up for Orillia KOS

Please follow this link to sign up Dunrobin KOS

For those looking to register for the Draft Legal Provincial Championships, registration is now open!

Draft Legal Clinics

That Triathlon Experience
Both dates are required to be certified

May 2, 2015
That Triathlon Experience, Max Ward Park, Mississauga
Open to Adults!

May 9, 2015
That Triathlon Experience, Max Ward Park, Mississauga
Open to Adults!

To Register email
Bytown Storm 2015 Draft Legal Certification Program

Location of all sessions : Canadian Tire Centre, 1000 Palladium Dr., Ottawa

Session 1 — Sat May 2nd – 9am – 11am – THIS SESSION IS MANDATORY*
Session 2 — Sat May 9th – 9am-10:30am – This session is optional
Session 3 — Sat May 16th – 9am-10:30am – This session is optional
Session 4 — Sat May 23rd – 9am-10:30am – This session is optional
Session 5 — Sat May 30th – 9am – 11am THIS SESSION IS MANDATORY*

Those athletes that would like extra training support are welcome to join Bytown Storm cycling skills sessions throughout the week.

Sessions 2,3 and 4 are open to athletes that would like coaching and guidance before the certification date. They are highly recommended but not mandatory. Please note that attendance of the clinic does not guarantee certification.

Click Here to register

Elite News

Update on Ontario’s Long Course Athletes

Ontario is producing a number of new and young talent on the international long course scene these days and the world is taking notice. Three athletes in particular are well on their way to establishing themselves as a force to be reckoned with.

Multiple Provincial Champion, Lionel Sanders, took home a victory last weekend in Galveston at the IRONMAN 70.3 Texas. This was after a 3rd place at IRONMAN 70.3 California Oceanside just a few weeks prior.

Cody Beals also reached the podium in Galveston with a well-earned third place. This was an impressive effort considering Cody raced a week earlier finishing 4th at IRONMAN 70.3 New Orleans

Former Quest for Gold athlete Taylor Reid rounds out the impressive trio in the long course field. Taylor’s long course year started with solid a 6th place at Oceanside, running through the field with the 4th fastest run split on the day

Coaching News

New NCCP Youth Coaching Course

This was the first ever Youth course ever run in Ontario for triathlon. It was a huge success and lots of fun. The first day consisted of teaching coaches drills and games and some theory and then the next day focused on the practical application of the various things we learned while working with a fantastic group of youths from the Milton Tornadoes.

New NCCP Adult Community Level Coaching Course

We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on June 27 & 28, 2015 in Milton. The host venue is the Community Room in the Loblaw Superstore, 820 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario, L9T 0J4. This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults. The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.

Based on the success of the youth course, which focused more on practical applications, we are making adjustments to the adult course to include a more practical versus theory content.
Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Price: Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00

This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot


More info on Triathlon Coaching

Club News

Club Sanctioning
– Time to get your club sanctioning in –

Welcome back to those clubs that are re-sanctioning and a warm welcome to our new clubs. If you want to know why your club should sanction, check out the benefits of sanctioning with TriOnt. Click here for the benefits of joining a club for those that have never joined a club or are unsure of the benefits they can tap into.

New For 2015
Team Triumph Ottawa
Welcome Back
Kelso Open Water Swimming
Kitchener-Waterloo Fighting Koalas Triathlon Team
Oakville Multiport
Ottawa Triathlon Club

Click here to view all 2015 sanctioned clubs

Paratriathlon News

Introduction to Paratriathlon and Para-Cycling Clinic

Triathlon Canada and Cycling Canada are inviting prospective athletes of all calibers, who are 16 years of age and up, the opportunity to develop their physical skills with fun and stimulating sports to come out and learn a little more about Paratriathlon and Para-Cycling.

This introductory clinic is the perfect opportunity to try out Paratriathlon and Para-Cycling equipment, as well as, learn more about our programs. You will also have the chance to meet our Canadian athletes and inquire regarding the different opportunities available by participating in Para sports.

COST: Free!
DATE: Saturday, May 16th, 2015. 9am – 12pm.
LOCATION: Aviation Museum parking lot, Ottawa, Ontario
WHAT TO BRING: Helmet, sportswear, the desire to have fun!

Sign up by filling out the questionnaire and sending it by email to If you have any questions you can contact Michel Elibani, Coach National Academy Paratriathlon by email or by phone at 613-869-8659.

Special Triathlon Ontario Member Deals

Need more reasons why you should be a Triathlon Ontario member?


LPC Guelph Triathlon Clinic

The LPC Guelph Triathlon Clinic on May 31st is ideal for triathletes of all abilities who would like to practice triathlon-specific skills and race dynamics in a group setting.

Train over the same course as the popular Guelph Lake One and Two triathlons.
Hosted by the LPC Triathlon Club and Loaring Personal Coaching. Sanctioned and insured by Triathlon Ontario.

Targeted for beginner and intermediate triathletes (ages 16 & up)
Ideal for beginners who want to gain more confidence in open water, on the bike, or while running off the bike.

For intermediate and experienced triathletes, a great chance to pick up some helpful tips and feedback from professional coaches/triathletes, and bank a great day of training.
All participants will receive a swim cap.

Guelph Lake Conservation Area: 7743 Conservation Rd, Guelph, ON N1H 6J1
Park and meet by the Main Beach.

Online registration closes at 11:59pm May 30th.
No event day registration. No offline registration.

Triathlon Ontario members may apply promo code TRION to save $10.00 when registering online.

Clinic info and online registration HERE

Special Travel Discounts for Members

In this sport we all have to travel a lot and stay at hotels. We’ve been able to secure a great offer from the Westmont Hospitality Group for a VIP program that offers discounts at numerous hotels. The Westmont Hospitality Group manages more than 120 properties in Canada from internationally known and respected brand names. Benefits from this FREE program include:

Guaranteed 10-15% off BEST AVAILABLE RATES at participating hotels, year-round, no restrictions
Unique rate can be booked property direct, brand 1-800 number and in some instances online.

  • Brand loyalty program benefits apply
  • Most hotels are pet friendly
  • Complimentary continental breakfast at most hotels
  • Free high speed internet access at most hotels

For a full list of participating hotels and to find out how to participate, contact Lynn in our office at

2015 NRG Europe Camp

NRG is headed to Menton, France May 7-17 this year. Menton is located just 15km from Nice and 5km from Monaco and Italy. We will be located on the water so there is easy access to open water swimming in the Mediterranean, as well we are at the foot of the famous Col de la Madone climb that many of the world’s top cyclists use to test their fitness. Enjoy 8 days of fully supported swim/bike/run training with the NRG team in France!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $100 discount and are also eligible for our early bird discount as well so don’t wait!

You can find all the details here

Sheri Fraser Niagara Camps

Come train with 3x AG World Champion and 23x top 10 Ironman finisher Sheri Fraser, and her team of experienced coaches, in beautiful Niagara on May 29-30 or July 30 – August 3. Wine country is a perfect venue for training for your Ironman, 1/2 Ironman, Olympic or Sprint races. You will get the opportunity to swim in the Welland Canal, bike along quiet country roads, climb the escarpment or go flat along the Canal, and run on short hill trails and along the Canal. These camps are fully supported with feed stations and certified and experienced coaches for all levels and distances.

Accommodations are available at Niagara College Welland Campus.

Triathlon Ontario Members will receive a $5 per day discount (10%) and are also eligible for the early bird discount ending April 15.

One day passes are also available. Contact Sheri ( for group rates.

You can find all of the details here