What’s New @TriOntario

If you are still holding onto a 2014 Triathlon Ontario membership, don’t forget that it will expire on the night of March 31, 2015. Renew soon so you can continue enjoying all of the great membership benefits of the TriOnt family.

You can easily renew or sign up for a new membership by clicking here.

For a full list of membership benefits and why you should join, check out our website!!

Triathlon Ontario Camps & Clinics

Ultimate Age Grouper Swim Clinic


In partnership with the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario (CSIO), we are offering a world class Open Water Swim Clinic specifically designed for Age Groupers. There are many quality swim clinics available but not have the level of expertise and the rare opportunity to experience the multimillion dollar Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre. You don’t need to be an Olympian to work with Olympic level coaches and consultants.

To register click here
For full schedule click here

Triathlon Ontario’s Muskoka and Mont Tremblant IRONMAN® Training Camps


If anyone is considering doing their first ever (or fifteenth) IRONMAN® Muskoka or Mont Tremblant race to hone their skills, why not try out one of our camps. Each camp will feature Lisa Bentley and her LBT coaching team who are offering premium training to each participant. Next price increase starts March 1st, 2015, so sign up soon.

*Discounts available if signing up for both camps

Date: July 10-12, 2015 (Mont Tremblant)
Date: July 24-26, 2015 (Muskoka)

If registered before March 1st: $400 + 13% HST ($52.00) = $452.00
If registered after March 1st: $450 + 13% HST ($58.50) = $508.50

Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Mont Tremblant)
Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Muskoka)

Age Grouper News

Toronto Triathlon Festival – Sprint and Standard Provincial Championship & National Qualifier


The Toronto Triathlon Festival (TTF) will host 2015 Provincial Championships for both the Sprint and Standard (Olympic) distances. The TTF has also been deemed a “National Qualifying” race by Triathlon Canada. As such, there will be three automatic 2016 ITU World Championship qualifying spots in each distance for each gender in each age group. For those interested in wearing the maple leaf in 2016 in Mexico but may not finish on the podium, there is still a very good opportunity to claim an extra spot but you must race in a qualifying race such as the TTF…

Read More

New Long Course Provincial Series & Provincial Championship


We are proud to announce a new Long Course Provincial Series for Age Groupers and that the Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 Muskoka race on July 5th, 2015 will host this year’s Long Course Triathlon Provincial Championships. In order to participate in the Series, athletes must be Triathlon Ontario members by the final point tally, after the last event. The list of the five events and their associated point weights are as follows:

Race Date Point Weights
MSC Welland Half Triathlon                    June 14, 2015 1.0x
IRONMAN 70.3 Muskoka                         July 5, 2015 1.25x (Provincials)
MSC Long Course Triathlon                     August 2nd, 2015 1.0x
IRONMAN Muskoka                                  August 30th, 2015 1.5x
Niagara Barrelman                                      September 20, 2015 1.0x

Read More

Indoor Provincial Championships – Second Half
– Earn points to become Provincial Indoor Champion –


Just a reminder that the second installment of the Triathlon Ontario Indoor Provincial Championships will be held on February 28th. This race’s points will be worth 1.5 times that of the first race.

The last race will be held at McMaster University. The format will consist of a 15 minute timed swim in a 25 metre pool; points will be allocated for the distance covered in the allotted time. Athletes will then have a five minute transition time to prepare for the bike leg. The bike leg consists of a 15 minute time trial on stationary electronic bikes, points will be allocated for distance covered. Athletes will then have another five minute transition time to prepare for the run. The run consists of a 15 minute timed run on a 200 metre indoor track. The further your go in each leg the more points you will accumulate. The higher your score, the higher you will rank in the overall race (by age category).

Click here for Part 1 results
For registration and further details please click here.

Youth News

Youth Cup Series


2015 will be the third year for the developmental competition whose purpose is to provide youth aged athletes (14-15) competitive draft legal racing opportunities and youth aged athletes (12-13) an introduction to competitive racing through a series of non-draft legal races. The Series began in 2013 with four races in one category (14-15) with less than 20 participants with one draft legal race. In 2014, the Series expanded to include five races, three of which were draft legal in the 14-15 age category and four races in the newly created 12-13 age category. Participation grew to 40 athletes in the 14-15 age group and 45 in the 12-13 age group…

Read More

For point breakdowns and more Youth Cup information please visit our Youth Cup page. Athletes must be members of Triathlon Ontario to be included in the Series.

2015 OSG Qualifiers


As per the previously announced changes to next season’s Ontario Summer Games (OSG), the qualifying events will be within the 2015 Ontario Youth Cup with one race in 2016 acting as a last chance “wild card” race for those looking to qualify. The OSG is open to athletes born in either 2000 or 2001.

The 2016 OSG will be in Mississauga and is a draft legal race, athletes must be draft legal certified before the OSG race date in order to participate as well as be Triathlon Ontario members in the year of qualification and in the year of the OSG…

Read More

Upcoming Training & Development Days


Just a reminder to all of the youth and junior athletes that the third and fourth sessions of our Youth/Junior Training Days will be held in Ottawa on February 28, Peterborough on March 7, Guelph on March 8. Register today!

Registration forms and a complete list of the schedules can be found here

Junior/U23/Elite News

Florida Camp


Our Provincial Development Team, made up of some of the top Juniors and U23s in the province, are heading down to Florida this weekend for an intense week long training camp in preparation for the CAMTRI North American Championships later in March. We are excited to announce that one of the ITU’s consistently best swimmers, Sara McLarty, will be joining the team to do a swim clinic for the team. We’ll be posting some photo’s on our social media pages during the camp so keep an eye out for them.

Coming Soon – New Draft Legal Race Series


The final touches are being put on the first ever Junior Draft Legal Cup Series in Ontario. The Series will be similar to the Youth Cup but for Juniors aged 16-19. The Series will either be three or four races in total and should be announced in the coming weeks.

We also excited to announce a new two race series for U23s and Elites. The two divisions will compete as one division and will be announced at the same time as the Junior Cup.

Quest For Gold


We are proud to announce a draft list of athletes who have been nominated for Ontario Cards under the 2014-2015 Quest for Gold – Ontario Athlete Assistance Program (OAAP). The athletes nominated were selected using the sport specific selection criteria developed by Triathlon Ontario, approved by its Board of Directors and applied by (the) Selection Committee.

Read More

Club News

Club Sanctioning
– Time to get your club sanctioning in


 Welcome back to those clubs that are re-sanctioning and a warm welcome to two new clubs, Collingwood Triathlon Club and NRG Performance Training, to the TriOnt Family. If you want to know why your club should sanction, check out the benefits of sanctioning with TriOnt. Click here for the benefits of joining a club for those that have never joined a club or are unsure of the benefits they can tap into.

New For 2015
• LBT-Lisa Bentley Tri
• The Finish Line Du Tri Women’s Club

Welcome Back
• Blast Triathlon Club
• Durham Region Triathlon Club
• Guelph Marlins Triathlon Club
• Hamilton Hammerheads Athletics Club
• Kincardine Triathlon Club
• North York Aquatic Club
• Saugeen Triathlon Ontario
• TIM – Team Iron Motivation
• Triathlon Club of Burlington

Coaching News

New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course


We are holding a New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course on April 25 & 26, 2014 at the Milton Sports Centre, in Milton, Ontario. This is a two day workshop for The NCCP Youth Development Coaching program which follows principles of LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) emphasizing participation, skill learning, developmentally appropriate training, and FUN as integral components of multisport experiences for young people. LTAD ensures that young athletes are engaging in the most efficient, safe, and enjoyable practice activities for their stage of growth and athletic ability.

*If you’re coaching youth or are considering it, this is a must have course.

Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost: Participant: $300.00

Sign up today to reserve your spot.
More info on Triathlon Coaching

New NCCP Toronto Community Level Coaching Course


We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on April 11 & 12, 2015 that is in Toronto. The host venue is the Community Room in the Sport Alliance Ontario, 3 Concorde Gate Suite 205, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3N7. This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults. The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.

Time: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost: Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00

This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.
More info on Triathlon Coaching

Discounted Age Group

 Need more reasons why you should be a Triathlon Ontario member?

Toronto Triathlon Club Winter Training Camp in Tucson, Arizona


Join the Toronto Triathlon Club for their inaugural TTC Winter Training Camp in sunny Tucson Arizona from April 12-19th, 2015. Sign up by Feb 15th! : http://www.torontotriathlonclub.org/event-1799667

We will be doing a 7 night training camp geared at the intermediate athlete looking to gain early season volume and distance for half and full iron distance races. Prices for TTC members, TriOnt members and non-members available please email Exec-director@torontotriathlonclub.org to sign up.

Double Occupancy Queen Room (2 beds), Single Occupancy King Room (1 bed), Double Occupancy King Room (1 bed)- all available


PB Cycle



7 P.M.

UNTIL APRIL 29, 2015

“ It was great to do a class
in my own basement”

“ I didn’t have to fight
traffic, it was awesome”

“ Please sign me up
for the next one”







Triathlon Ontario members have a discount!

Use code TRIONT to get it!


2015 NRG Florida Winter Training Camps in Clermont, Florida


Afraid of another Polar Vortex this winter?? Join us in Florida Feb 14-21 or Feb 28 – March 7 for a great week of training in the heat! NRG camps are open to all athletes, with hands on coaching from some of the top coaches in the country and an all-inclusive camp where you get to train like a Pro. This is a great chance to get away from winter and get a head start on your season!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $50 discount off the regular price, but are also eligible for our early bird discounts so you can save up to $150 so book now!

You can find all the details here

 2015 NRG Europe Camp


NRG is headed to Menton, France May 7-17 this year. Menton is located just 15km from Nice and 5km from Monaco and Italy. We will be located on the water so there is easy access to open water swimming in the Mediterranean, as well we are at the foot of the famous Col de la Madone climb that many of the world’s top cyclists use to test their fitness. Enjoy 8 days of fully supported swim/bike/run training with the NRG team in France!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $100 discount and are also eligible for our early bird discount as well so don’t wait!

You can find all the details here

 LPC Swim Video Analysis Sessions


For you winter enthusiasts LPC is offering an exciting clinic on Feb. 21 & Apr. 11, 2015 in Ontario, for all athletes. LPC coaches James Loaring and Mark Linseman will capture your above and underwater swim stroke while providing prompt personalized feedback on the primary areas you should focus on for your stroke correction.

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a 20% discount when applying promo code TRION.

You can find all the details here
Already psyched? Sign up here

 LPC Functional Threshold Power Testing Service


Power provides the best indicator of improvements in your cycling fitness, largely because tracking power is both reliable and repeatable. It can be difficult to track improvement using time or speed if the courses you ride, or the conditions you ride in, are different. On Feb. 21 & Apr. 11, for 2015, LPC will be offering an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test to help track improvements in fitness, optimal pacing, identifying bike fit and pedaling inefficiencies, and establishing power training zones that reflect an individual’s current fitness. This event is limited to 12 participants per session.

Triathlon Ontario members using promo code TRION will receive a 20% discount.

You can find all the details here
Click here to register

 2015 Muskoka TriSummit
– Keynote Speakers: Dr. Greg Wells PhD. & Barrie Shepley –


Triathlon Ontario is pleased to announce it is once again sponsoring the Muskoka TriSummit. From May 8th to 10th, thirteen of Ontario’s top triathlon coaches, professional athletes, and educators will come together for the 3rd annual Muskoka TriSummit. This is Canada’s only endurance sports conference put on by endurance athletes for endurance athletes.

Geared for all levels of endurance athletes (first timers included), the TriSummit will make athletes become smarter about their training, racing, nutrition and enhance their training with techniques to improve efficiency and power. Walk away race day ready!

Click here to register or for a full list of lectures and additional information regarding the 2015 Muskoka TriSummit.

Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics

What’s New @TriOntario

2015 Membership Officially Open for Registration!!! 

– Sign up today and start earning membership benefits –

Happy New Year from everyone at Triathlon Ontario!  As you begin to consider what events you plan on participating in don’t forget to renew your membership for the 2015 season, or if you have never been a member before, there are lots of great reasons to join the family and support the growth and development of Multisport in Ontario.

You can easily renew or sign up for a new membership by clicking here.

For a full list of membership benefits and why you should join, check out our website!!

What’s New for 2015?
We recognize that many athletes train alone or with groups that might not be part of a sanctioned club and therefore are uninsured while training.  Unfortuantely, there are dangers inhierant to training since most of our training is outdoors on roads, in lakes, and busy sidewalks.    We are excited to announce our new Individual Athlete Insurance.  For just an additional $10 on top of your membership fee, you can have extended coverage from our $5 million Liability insurance and $50,000 (up from $20,000 in 2014) Sport Accident insurance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, worldwide regardless of any sanctioning.

New to triathlon or not sure who Triathlon Ontario is?
We are a non-profit organization and the recognized governing body for Multisport in Ontario.  We undertake a number of duties and responsibilities on behalf of athletes, coaches, clubs, race directors and officials to ensure the growth and development of the sport in the province in a fun and safe way.  Every dollar is re-invested back into the sport in one way or another.

Some of the many functions we perform on behalf of all athletes, members and non-members, include:

  • Promote  the growth and development of the sport
  • Interpret and implement the rules of play
  • Thoroughly review and sanction races, ensuring race directors follow proper safety procedures and race designs that are fair for all participants
  • Issue liability insurance for the protection of all athletes, race directors, employees, volunteers and officials at all sanctioned races plus sport accident insurance for all members at those events, including travel to and from those sanctioned events
  • Locate, train, certify and supply first class officials to sanctioned races that not only ensure the race is fair to all participants, regardless of ability, but also to ensure race directors adhere to their obligations to safety
  • Oversee NCCP coaching training and certification process for the province, as well as, develop continuing education opportunities
    Run various programs for Age Groupers, Youth, Junior, High Performance and Paratriathletes.

 Club Sanctioning

– Time to get your club sanctioning in –
We hope you are all surviving the winter and looking forward to the upcoming triathlon season.  Welcome back to those clubs that are re-sanctioning and a warm welcome to two new clubs, Collingwood Triathlon Club and NRG Performance Training, to the TriOnt Family.

If you want to know why your club should sanction, check out the benefits of sanctioning with TriOnt

Click here for the benefits of joining a club for those that have never joined a club or are unsure of the benefits they can tap into.

New For 2015

  •          Collingwood Triathlon Club
  •          NRG Performance Training

Welcome Back

  •          Balance Point Triathlon Club
  •          Barrie Baydogs Triathlon Club
  •          C3 Canadian Cross Training Club
  •          Discomfort Zone Multisport
  •          Fitness Dynamics
  •          Guelph Triathlon Club
  •          IronStride
  •          KW Tri Club
  •          LPC Triathlon Club
  •          Mettle Multisport Triathlon Club
  •          Tornado Triathlon Club
  •          Toronto Triathlon Club

 Upcoming Youth/Junior Training Days 

Just a reminder to all of the youth and junior athletes that the second and third sessions of our Youth/Junior Training Days will be held in Peterborough on Ottawa on January 24, Peterborough on February 7, Guelph on February 8 and back in Ottawa on February 28.  Register today!

Registration forms and a complete list of the schedules can be found here

Triathlon Ontario’s Muskoka and Mont Tremblant IRONMAN® Training Camps

Triathlon Ontario has partnered with Lisa Bentley and her LBT coaching team to offer a premium training camp that is a must for anyone planning do to the first ever IRONMAN® Muskoka or Mont Tremblant race.

Many triathletes want to perform at their best and need a little jump start to their daily training routine. Triathlon Ontario has teamed up with 11-time IRONMAN® Champion, Lisa Bentley and her experienced coaching team to help take their preparation to the next level!

Triathletes will bring their goals and work ethics and leave fitter, stronger and better motivated.  This camp will provide a personalized one-on-one instruction and coaching so space is limited.

Date: July 10-12, 2015 (Mont Tremblant)
Date: July 24-26, 2015 (Muskoka)

The Camp Package Includes:

  • All training and coaching sessions, discussion sessions and question and answer sessions and one-on-one debriefs with Lisa Bentley and David Cracknell
  •  PowerBar gift bag with training nutrition
  •  Dinner on Saturday and brunch on Sunday
  •  Motivational talk on Saturday night
  •  Fully supported bike and run with on course nutrition complements of PowerBar


Discounted rate for lodging at Fairmont Tremblant or Deerhurst Resort


If registered before March 1st: $400 + 13% HST ($52.00) = $452.00
If registered after March 1st: $450 + 13% HST ($58.50) = $508.50

Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Mont Tremblant)
Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Muskoka)

Coming Soon!!!  The Ultimate Age Grouper Swim Clinic

Triathlon Ontario will be announcing soon that on February 21st, in partnership with the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario, we will be hosting an incredible swim clinic at the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre.  Your day will include swim and video analysis (individual and group review), a nutritional seminar, two swim sessions that will feature lots of technique and open water drills, as well as a talk by a Canadian Olympic open water swimmer.

This will be your chance to swim in the multimillion dollar Pan Am Centre before the rest of the world does and have access to the CSIO’s Olympic coaches, biomachanist, nutrionist and meet and pick up tips from a Canadian Olympic Open Water swimmer.  Spaces will be limited so keep your eyes on your inbox over the next week or so for full details!

Indoor Provincial Championships – Part Deux
– Earn points to become Provincial Indoor Champion –

Just a reminder that the second installment of the Triathlon Ontario Indoor Provincial Championships will be held on February 28th.  This race’s points will be worth 1.5 times that of the first race.

The last race will be held at McMaster University. The format will consist of a 15 minute timed swim in a 25 metre pool; points will be allocated for the distance covered in the allotted time.   Athletes will then have a five minute transition time to prepare for the bike leg.  The bike leg consists of a 15 minute time trial on stationary electronic bikes, points will be allocated for distance covered.  Athletes will then have another five minute transition time to prepare for the run.  The run consists of a 15 minute timed run on a 200 metre indoor track.  The further your go in each leg the more points you will accumulate. The higher your score, the higher you will rank in the overall race (by age category).

Relays & Clubs
Athletes can also form a two or three person relay team or you can compete as a club.  For a club to compete for the title it must be a Triathlon Ontario sanctioned club.  The format of the club competition is simply count your best four results from your club members and at least one must be a female.  You can enter as many club members as you like.

Entry fee for December 13th is just $25 plus HST.  Indoor triathlon is a great way to challenge yourself, compete with others and break up the monotony of winter training. The easy format doesn’t require a bike or wind trainer, all you need to bring is swim and running gear. Compete in age group, school or relay categories and there will be great prizes and fun for all!

Click here for Part 1 results

For registration and further details please click here.

New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course

We are holding a New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course on April 25 & 26, 2014 at the Milton Sports Centre, in Milton, Ontario.  This is a two day workshop for The NCCP Youth Development Coaching program which follows principles of LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) emphasizing participation, skill learning, developmentally appropriate training, and FUN as integral components of multisport experiences for young people.  LTAD ensures that young athletes are engaging in the most efficient safe, and enjoyable practice activities for their stage of growth and athletic ability.

This workshop provides an excellent introduction for coaches to: youth focused coaching concepts, youth specific coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for youth in an inspiring, comfortable, discussion encouraged environment.  There is an active component where coaches will work alongside youth athletes in running and transition activities.  The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.  This course involves activities: in a classroom setting, on an indoor pool deck, and outside with youth athletes.  Please dress accordingly.

Time:      8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost:      Participant: $300.00

Sign up today to reserve your spot.
More info on Triathlon Coaching

New NCCP Toronto Community Level Coaching Course

We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on April 11 & 12, 2015 that is in Toronto.  The host venue is the Community Room in the Sport Alliance Ontario, 3 Concorde Gate Suite 205, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3N7.  This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults.  The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.

Time:      8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost:      Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00

This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.

More info on Triathlon Coaching

2015 Muskoka TriSummit
– Keynote Speakers: Dr. Greg Wells PhD. & Barrie Shepley –

Triathlon Ontario is pleased to announce it is once again sponsoring the Muskoka TriSummit.  From May 8th to 10th, thirteen of Ontario’s top triathlon coaches, professional athletes, and educators will come together for the 3rd annual Muskoka TriSummit. This is Canada’s only endurance sports conference put on by endurance athletes for endurance athletes.

Geared for all levels of endurance athletes (first timers included), the TriSummit will make athletes become smarter about their training, racing, nutrition and enhance their training with techniques to improve efficiency and power.  Walk away race day ready!


  • CanFitPro’s Preconference for Coaches and Trainers titled “Training the Triathlete”
  • Seminars geared to both novices and experienced athletes alike on topics such as: science-based recovery techniques, race specificity & muscular endurance, enhancing your performance through nutrition, cycling racing tactics & distances, and the balance if speed & comfort on the bike.
  • Small groups, high coach to athlete ratio, hands on clinics and workshops in swim, bike, run, core, and transition clinics
  • A fully supported IRONMAN 70.3 Muskoka Training Day with Personal Best’s Barrie Shepley, Sean Bechtel, and others
  • The first TriSummit Team Triathlon
  • Two keynote addresses by Dr. Greg Wells and Barrie Shepley

A great banquet and social evening where the sport of triathlon will be celebrated in a way you have never experienced before.

Click here to register or for a full list of lectures and additional information regarding the 2015 Muskoka TriSummit.

Discounted Age Group Camps and Clinics

PB Cycle

7 P.M.

UNTIL APRIL 29, 2015

“ It was great to do a class
in my own basement”

“ I didn’t have to fight
traffic, it was awesome”

“ Please sign me up
for the next one”





Triathlon Ontario members have a discount!

Use code TRIONT to get it!

Need more reasons why you should be a Triathlon Ontario member?  

Check out the great discounts on these great camps and clinics from our friends at NRG and LPC!

2015 NRG Florida Winter Training Camps in Clermont, Florida

Afraid of another Polar Vortex this winter?? Join us in Florida Feb 14-21 or Feb 28 – March 7 for a great week of training in the heat! NRG camps are open to all athletes, with hands on coaching from some of the top coaches in the country and an all-inclusive camp where you get to train like a Pro. This is a great chance to get away from winter and get a head start on your season!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $50 discount off the regular price, but are also eligible for our early bird discounts so you can save up to $150 so book now!

You can find all the details here

2015 NRG Europe Camp

NRG is headed to Menton, France May 7-17 this year. Menton is located just 15km from Nice and 5km from Monaco and Italy.  We will be located on the water so there is easy access to open water swimming in the Mediterranean, as well we are at the foot of the famous Col de la Madone climb that many of the world’s top cyclists use to test their fitness. Enjoy 8 days of fully supported swim/bike/run training with the NRG team in France!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $100 discount and are also eligible for our early bird discount as well so don’t wait!

You can find all the details here

LPC Swim Video Analysis Sessions

For you winter enthusiasts LPC is offering an exciting clinic on Jan. 10, Feb. 21 & Apr. 11, 2015 in Ontario, for all athletes.  LPC coaches James Loaring and Mark Linseman will capture your above and underwater swim stroke while providing prompt personalized feedback on the primary areas you should focus on for your stroke correction.

Recording under the water allows for a clear picture of what is happening leading to a better stroke and faster time.  LPC will be using a GoPro camera to record the front, beneath, and the side of the swimmer, review the data and provide tips for immediate improvement.  As an added feature, your stroke footage will be uploaded to a secure webpage for future reference.
There is a 10 participant cap per session.

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a 20% discount when applying promo code TRION.

You can find all the details here

Already psyched?  Sign up here

LPC Functional Threshold Power Testing Service

Power provides the best indicator of improvements in your cycling fitness, largely because tracking power is both reliable and repeatable.  It can be difficult to track improvement using time or speed if the courses you ride, or the conditions you ride in, are different.  On Jan. 10, Feb. 21 & Apr. 11, for 2015, LPC will be offering an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test to help track improvements in fitness, optimal pacing, identifying bike fit and pedaling inefficiencies, and establishing power training zones that reflect an individual’s current fitness.  This event is limited to 12 participants per session.

Triathlon Ontario members using promo code TRION will receive a 20% discount.

You can find all the details here

Click here to register

Don’t Forget to Join our New LinkedIn Group

Do you have a LinkedIn account?  Have questions about races or training or just love to talk triathlon?  Then you should know we’ve started a new Age Group Community page on LinkedIn that you should join.  It’s a discussion forum where you can ask questions or answer other people’s questions and share your love of the sport.  You can join here http://linkd.in/1qDZgeU.

Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics

What’s New @TriOntario

Demystifying Insurance

Race Insurance
You probably hear all the time in various walks of life about the need for insurance, but very few actually know what that means.  In order for a race to get a permit from the local municipality a race director must seek out liability insurance that protects the race venue owners.  At many unsanctioned races, the only other additional insurance protection that is sought is for the race directors and their staff, leaving athletes unprotected.  When a race is deemed a Triathlon Ontario sanctioned race the race director has successfully gone through the process of submitting detailed paperwork and maps to ensure the race is safe and fair for everyone.  Our $5 million liability insurance policy then covers not only the venue, race director and staff, but also every athlete that is participating in the event.  Triathlon Ontario members also get an added benefit of also being covered under our $50 thousand sport accident policy (increase from $20K this year).  For more details of the coverage please see here.  These same two policies are also available for clubs that sanction their clubs and workouts with us.

New For 2015!
Individual Athlete Insurance
A new member benefit for this year is our new Individual Athlete Insurance.  For just an extra $10 on top of membership you can have our Liability and Sport Accident policies extended to your triathlon training 24 hours a day 7 days a week, worldwide coverage.  We are the only sanctioning body that is offering this type of additional coverage.  If you train alone or outside of Ontario, you can have the peace of mind of having that extra protection.

Bike Insurance
You spent thousands on your beautiful machine, but do you have any protection for it from theft or damage at a sanctioned race or sanctioned club workout?  In 2013 a bike was stolen from transition at an unsanctioned event in Ontario, and then this year, three bikes were stolen out of transition at a sanctioned event and luckily, one of those victims had purchased our insurance.  With more races requiring you to leave your bike overnight the risk of theft is increasing and you’ve most likely signed a waiver that does not hold the race director legally responsible.  If you think your house insurance covers your bike, you may want to review your policy.  Triathlon Ontario has very affordable premiums for its members who race at sanctioned events or train with sanctioned clubs during sanctioned workouts.  Don’t learn about the benefits of insurance the hard way.

Personal Best

Triathlon Ontario Announces Mini Series Indoor Provincial Championships

– Earn points in both indoor races and become Provincial Champion –

The Personal Best/Awake Caffeinated Chocolate indoor triathlons on December 13th, 2014 and February 28th, 2015 will serve as a two part Indoor Provincial Championship.  Points earned in the first race on December 13th will be totaled along with points earned in the second race on February 28th.  The second race’s points will be worth 1.5 times that of the first race.

Both races will be held at McMaster University. The format for both races will consist of a 15 minute timed swim in a 25 metre pool; points will be allocated for the distance covered in the allotted time.   Athletes will then have a five minute transition time to prepare for the bike leg.  The bike leg consists of a 15 minute time trial on stationary electronic bikes, points will be allocated for distance covered.  Athletes will then have another five minute transition time to prepare for the run.  The run consists of a 15 minute timed run on a 200 metre indoor track.  The further your go in each leg the more points you will accumulate. The higher your score, the higher you will rank in the overall race (by age category).

Relays & Clubs
Athletes can also form a two or three person relay team or you can compete as a club.  For a club to compete for the title it must be a Triathlon Ontario sanctioned club.  The format of the club competition is simply count your best four results from your club members and at least one must be a female.  You can enter as many club members as you like.

Entry fee for December 13th is just $25 plus HST.  Indoor triathlon is a great way to challenge yourself, compete with others and break up the monotony of winter training. The easy format doesn’t require a bike or wind trainer, all you need to bring is swim and running gear. Compete in age group, school or relay categories and there will be great prizes and fun for all!

For registration and further details please click here.

Upcoming Youth/Junior Training Days

Friendly reminder to all of those youth and juniors out there that the second sessions of our Youth/Junior Training Days will be held in Peterborough on December 13th and Ottawa on December 20th.  With January fast approaching, don’t put off registration for the next set of Training Days held in Peterborough on January 3, Guelph on January 4, and Ottawa on January 24.

Registration forms and a complete list of the schedules can be found here

Attention Youth, Juniors and U23!  We Have a Holiday Camp Featuring Olympic Gold Medalist Glenroy Gilbert

As part of its Provincial Development Program, Triathlon Ontario is proud to offer a three day camp over the holiday season in Ottawa featuring Olympic Gold Medalist Glenroy Gilbert.  The camp is open to Youth, Junior and U23 athletes on a first come first serve basis.  Provincial Development Team members have the right of first refusal for a spot and there is a limit of 20 for the camp.  Details of the camp and registration is outlined below.

Location:  The Training Camp will be held at the Nepean Sportsplex in Ottawa.

Date:  December 27-29, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014 Nepean Sportsplex
9:30am – 11:00am: Swim
11:20am – 12:00pm: Break & Discussion – Junior/U23 development pathway
12:00pm – 1:30pm: Biking
2:00pm – 3:00pm: Run or Snowshoe
3:00pm: Pickup

Sunday, December 28, 2014 – Nepean Sportsplex
9:30am – 11:00am: Swim
11:20am – 12:00pm: Break & Discussion – creating a race plan
12:00pm – 1:30pm: Biking
2:00pm – 3:00pm: Run or Snowshoe
3:00pm: Pickup

Monday, December 29, 2014 – Nepean Sportsplex / Dome
9:30am – 11:00am: Swim
11:00am – 12:30pm: Drive out to the dome
1:00pm – 2:00pm: Speed & Development workshop with Olympic Gold Medallist
Glenroy Gilbert
2:00pm: Pickup at the dome & go home

Non Provincial Development Team: $89.00
Provincial Development Team: $69.00

Register Now

Triathlon Ontario’s IRONMAN® Muskoka Training Camp

Triathlon Ontario has partnered with Lisa Bentley and her LBT coaching team to offer a premium training camp that is a must for anyone planning do to the first ever IRONMAN® Muskoka.

Many triathletes want to perform at their best for IRONMAN® Muskoka and need a little jump start to their daily training routine.  Triathlon Ontario has teamed up with 11-time IRONMAN® Champion, Lisa Bentley and her experienced coaching team to help take their preparation to the next level!

Triathletes will bring their goals and work ethics and leave fitter, stronger and better motivated.  This camp will provide a personalized one-on-one instruction and coaching so space is limited.

Date: July 24-26, 2015

The Camp Package Includes:

All training and coaching sessions, discussion sessions and question and answer sessions and one-on-one debriefs with Lisa Bentley and David Cracknell
PowerBar gift bag with training nutrition
Dinner on Saturday and brunch on Sunday
Motivational talk on Saturday night
Fully supported bike and run with on course nutrition complements of PowerBar
Discounted rate for lodging at Deerhurst Resort

Price: Early bird Pricing ends December 31st, 2014

$375 + 13% HST ($48.75) = $423.75
If registered before March 1st: $400 + 13% HST ($52.00) = $452.00
If registered after March 1st: $450 + 13% HST ($58.50) = $508.50

Click here for full camp schedule and registration form

Holiday Gift Ideas

Visit our store for great stocking stuffers.  If your loved one is doing the 2015 Muskoka Ironman® why not get them the gift of exceptional race guidance and experience from 11 time Ironman® triathlete, Lisa Bentley and her team of coaches?  Sign them up for Triathlon Ontario’s Muskoka Ironman Training Camp.

If you’re still buying sports drink at the grocery store there’s always Infinit for 20% off.  Don’t forget, there’s always the great gift of a 2015 Triathlon Ontario membership.  Email info@triahtlonontario.com for more details and application.

Coming Soon…

New NCCP Ottawa Community Level Coaching Course

Looking to acquire your coaching training?  We are offering a Community Level NCCP coaching course on January 17 and 18, 2015 in Ottawa.  The host venue is the University of Ottawa, 120 University Private, Ottawa, Ontario in the Faculty of Social Science building. This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults.  The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.

Time:  8:00AM – 4:00PM, both days

Cost: Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00

This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.


More info on Triathlon Coaching


Discounted Age Group Camps and Clinics

Need more reasons why you should be a Triathlon Ontario member?  Check out the great discounts on these great camps and clinics from our friends at NRG and LPC!

2015 NRG Florida Winter Training Camps in Clermont, Florida

Afraid of another Polar Vortex this winter?? Join us in Florida Feb 14-21 or Feb 28 – March 7 for a great week of training in the heat! NRG camps are open to all athletes, with hands on coaching from some of the top coaches in the country and an all inclusive camp where you get to train like a Pro. This is a great chance to get away from winter and get a head start on your season!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $50 discount off the regular price, but are also eligible for our early bird discounts so you can save up to $150 so book now!

You can find all the details here

2015 NRG Europe Camp

NRG is headed to Menton, France May 7-17 this year. Menton is located just 15km from Nice and 5km from Monaco and Italy.  We will be located on the water so there is easy access to open water swimming in the Mediterranean, as well we are at the foot of the famous Col de la Madone climb that many of the world’s top cyclists use to test their fitness. Enjoy 8 days of fully supported swim/bike/run training with the NRG team in France!

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $100 discount and are also eligible for our early bird discount as well so don’t wait!

You can find all the details here

LPC Swim Video Analysis Sessions

For you winter enthusiasts LPC is offering an exciting clinic on Dec. 6, 2014 & Jan. 10, Feb. 21, Apr. 11, 2015 in Ontario, for all athletes.  LPC coaches James Loaring and Mark Linseman will capture your above and underwater swim stroke while providing prompt personalized feedback on the primary areas you should focus on for your stroke correction.

Recording under the water allows for a clear picture of what is happening leading to a better stroke and faster time.  LPC will be using a GoPro camera to record the front, beneath, and the side of the swimmer, review the data and provide tips for immediate improvement.  As an added feature, your stroke footage will be uploaded to a secure webpage for future reference.

There is a 10 participant cap per session.

Triathlon Ontario members will receive a 20% discount when applying promo code TRION.

You can find all the details here

Already psyched? Sign up here

LPC Functional Threshold Power Testing Service

Power provides the best indicator of improvements in your cycling fitness, largely because tracking power is both reliable and repeatable.  It can be difficult to track improvement using time or speed if the courses you ride, or the conditions you ride in, are different.  On Dec. 6, 2014 & Jan. 10, Feb. 21, Apr. 11, for 2015, LPC will be offering an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test to help track improvements in fitness, optimal pacing, identifying bike fit and pedaling inefficiencies, and establishing power training zones that reflect an individuals current fitness.  This event is limited to 12 participants per session.

Triathlon Ontario members using promo code TRION will receive a 20% discount.

You can find all the details here

Click here to register

Holiday Hours of The Office

2014 has been a very good, but busy year for Triathlon Ontario and it’s time to take a break to recharge the batteries.  Have no fear, the elves at the TriOnt workshop are hard at work planning for a fantastic 2015!  The Triathlon Ontario office will be closed from Wednesday December, 24 and reopening on January 5 with the usual office hours of Monday-Thursday 9:30-3 pm.  Have a Happy Holidays!??

Don’t Forget to Join our New LinkedIn Group

Do you have a LinkedIn account?  Have questions about races or training or just love to talk triathlon?  Then you should know we’ve started a new Age Group Community page on LinkedIn that you should join.  It’s a discussion forum where you can ask questions or answer other people’s questions and share your love of the sport.  You can join here http://linkd.in/1qDZgeU

Tara’s Nutrition Tips

Tara Postnikoff is a registered Nutritional Consultant, Triathlon Coach and Personal trainer

What’s New @TriOntario

New LinkedIn group
Do you have a LinkedIn account?  Have questions about races or training or just love to talk triathlon?  Then you should know we’ve started a new Age Group Community page on LinkedIn that you should join.  It’s a discussion forum where you can ask questions or answer other people’s questions and share your love of the sport.
You can join here http://linkd.in/1qDZgeU

Coming Soon for 2015!  Individual Athlete Insurance
Do you train alone or race outside of Ontario?  Not part of a sanctioned club?  We have a new insurance product available for the 2015 season that will appeal to you.  One of the major benefits of Triathlon Ontario membership is the Liability and Sport Accident insurance policies that you are covered under when you participate at sanctioned races or sanctioned club events.  We recognize that for those triathletes who go long and don’t race very often or train by themselves or with groups that aren’t part of a sanctioned clubs, the insurance coverage is less appealing.New for 2015, for just an additional $10 on top of your low membership fee, you can purchase that same $5 million Liability and $50,000 (up from $20,000 in 2014) Sport Accident policies and be covered 24/7, worldwide while you train or race, no sanctioning required.  We still strongly encourage everyone to join a club as the benefits of a club membership are still as valuable as ever (discounted TriOnt membership, social and community benefits, access to coaching/training support).
For a review of what is covered under the policies please see here

Training Days for youth and juniors 
As part of its Provincial Development Program, Triathlon Ontario is once again offering Training Days in Ontario.  The goal of these Training Days is to bring together talented young triathletes in order to further their technical, tactical and physical development.
Training Days locations and dates:
Sunday, November 30, 2014 Guelph University – cost is $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Sunday, January 4, 2015 – Guelph University – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Sunday, February 8, 2015 – Guelph University – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Sunday, March 8, 2015 – Guelph University – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW

Saturday, December 13, 2014 – Trent University – cost is $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Saturday, January 3, 2015 – Trent University – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Saturday, February 7, 2015 – Trent University – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Saturday, March 7, 2015 – Trent University – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW

Saturday, December 20, 2014 Nepean Sportsplex – cost is $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Saturday, January 24, 2015 – Nepean Sportsplex – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Saturday, March 21, 2015 – Nepean Sportsplex – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW
Saturday, April 11, 2015 – Nepean Sportsplex – cost $40.00 – REGISTER NOW

 Day Of Seminars & Awards Lunch Photos
Missed all the great action from this past weekend’s day of seminars and guest speakers and awards banquet?  Check out all the action on our Facebook page.  Feel free to LIKE as many as you wish.

New Board Members Elected

At our AGM this past weekend we said goodbye to two board members Gary Hutchinson and Jim Brockbank and welcomed two new members to the board, Damon Winney (Windsor) and Mike Breech (Toronto).  On behalf of all of the members, we would like to thank both Gary and Jim for their valuable contributions over the past few years and give a warm welcome to Damon and Mike.

New NCCP Intro to Competitive Coaching Part 2 Seminar
We are holding a Comp. Intro Part 2 seminar on November 22 & 23, 2014 in Milton at the Milton Sports Center.  This is the third stop in the competitive introduction pathway meant for those interested in professional, competitive level coaching for adult triathletes.  This seminar will explain in detail the technical, planning and philosophy of professional coaching.If you are a community level coach and have completed the Portfolio Paper 1 and the Making Ethical Decisions  online exam and are interested in participating in this seminar, please email us at info@triathlonontario.com with you expression of interest and when you have completed the prerequisites as well as your NCCP number.  This information will help us verify your eligibility.
Time:            8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost:              Participant: $300.00

Click Here for the full Competition Introduction Pathway

New NCCP Community Level Coaching Course in London
We have added a stimulating and informative new Community Level coaching course in London on the weekend of November 15 & 16, 2014. It will be held at the University of Western Ontario, Room 3012 Thames Hall, London, Ontario.
Time:     8:00AM – 4:00PM
Cost:      Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00

NCCP Toronto Community Level Coaching Course
We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on January 17 and 18, 2015 that is in Toronto.  The host venue is the Sport Alliance Ontario, 3 Concorde Gate Suite 205, Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3N7.  This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults.  The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.       
         Time:    8:30AM – 4:00PM
        Cost:      Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00
Non Member: $200.00
This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.


More info on Triathlon Coaching

PB Cycle


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Please sign me up

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 HOW TO GET IN:STEP 1REGISTER AThttp://www.powhow.com/classes/personal-besthealth-performance-inc






Triathlon Ontario members have a discount!Use code TRIONT to get it!


Provincial Development Team Preparing for 2015!
In case you missed it, our 2014-15 Provincial Development Team was announced recently.  Check out some of the action at our first weekend of testing at the new multi-million dollar Pan-Am Centre in Toronto.  Include link to FB page for the photos.The testing included Fitness Testing, Functional Movement Screens, Gait Analysis, Lactate testing, Max Aerobic Power (MAP) testing on the bike and a Nutritional Seminar.  Up next for the Team is a three day camp over the holidays in Ottawa, rumour has it we are in discussions with gold medalist Glenroy Gilbert to help out at the camp!  Can you guess which sport he’d be helping out with?

Volunteer Manager – Run Well Events Inc.
An Exciting Opportunity
Run Well Events is entering into its 7th season of offering first class triathlon and running events. As we continue to grow by expanding our portfolio of events we are looking to fill the role of a Volunteer Manager to handle everything related to the volunteers who make these events happen.  This is an exciting position as it involves a fast-paced, fun environment, travel and being part of a team dedicated to creating the most positive experience for our participants.
Run Well
For more info click here

What’s New @TriOntario

Stellar Lineup of Guest Speakers for Our Annual Day of Seminars and Awards Luncheon

– Lisa Bentley to headline as special guest speaker at awards luncheon –

We have an incredible line up of guest speakers and seminar presenters for our Annual Day of Seminars and Awards Luncheon, in conjunction with our AGM on November 8th, 2014 in Mississauga, Ontario. The Seminars are open to everyone that has an interest in attending and learning more about training techniques and being inspired to achieve their goals, whether that be coaches, athletes, parents etc.

Please see here for the list of prices and times of the seminars and the registration forms. Individuals can choose to attend all or some of the seminars and those that want to attend just the Awards Luncheon are welcome to stay for the Special Guest Speaker.

The seminar topics, list of presenters and bios are as follows:

“Strength Training for Triathlon Performance” – Ryan MacDonald, 9:15 am
Over the past 10 years, Ryan MacDonald has spent time working with provincial, national and professional athletes from a variety of sports and recently joined the staff at Canadian Sport Institute Ontario where he is working alongside Canada’s top athletes as a Strength and Conditioning coach. Ryan has an Honours BA in Kinesiology from Wilfred Laurier University and is in the process of completing his MSc in Exercise Science from University of Toronto.

“Fuel for Sport” – Jennifer Sygo, 10:30 am
Jennifer Sygo M.Sc., RD is a dietitian, writer, author, and professional speaker specializing in prevention and performance. A leading sport nutritionist, Jennifer has worked with athletes ranging from the recreational level to Olympic and world medalists, as well as professional athletes in the NHL, CFL, and Major League Baseball. She currently serves as the team dietitian for Athletics Canada’s sprint, hurdles, and relay team in Toronto, and also works with Gymnastics Canada and Triathlon Canada.

She has provided presentations and keynote addresses for organizations including Dietitians of Canada, Kellogg’s, GE, and RBC, and her nutrition expertise is regularly featured in the media, including CBC News and Radio, CanadaAM, and CTV. She is a regular contributor to Ricardo Magazine, and her nutrition column appears in the Health section of the National Post every Tuesday. In 2011, Jennifer was featured as the nutrition expert in the documentary Run, Run Revolution, a part of the CBC’s acclaimed Live Right Now Series. In 2014, Jennifer’s first book, “Unmasking Superfoods: the Truth and Hype about Acai, Quinoa, Chia, Blueberries, and More”, became a national best-seller.

“Be a Life Champion” – Lisa Bentley – Awards Luncheon Guest Speaker
Lisa Bentley is a motivational speaker as well as an 11-time Ironman Champion and recent inductee into the Triathlon Canada Hall of Fame. Lisa’s list of accomplishments include; 11-time Ironman 70.3 Champion, five top ten finishes at the Ironman World Championships, gold medalist and flag bearer at the 1995 Pan Am Games. She also has done colour commentary for CBC, CTV, TSN, Sportsnet and IRONMANlive for numerous ITU World Cups, Olympics and Ironman events.

“Technique Will Determine How Far Your Fitness Will Take You” – Greg Kealey, 2:15pm
Greg Kealey has been the Provincial Development Coach for Triathlon Ontario since 2012. In 2001, Greg founded the Bytown Storm in Ottawa and since 2006, Bytown athletes have accumulated over 30 Provincial, National and International podium finishes. The club is one of the few in Canada to have programs for both youth as young as 8 and adults, with recreational and draft legal streams. Some of Greg’s accomplishments include; Triathlon Canada Elite Coach of the Year (2010), Triathlon Canada Award of Excellence (2012), Triathlon Ontario Coach of the Year (2008, 2009) and Greg is only one of three coaches in Ontario to be an NCCP Certified Competitive Development Coach.

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 3:30 pm. There is no cost to attend and all active Triathlon Ontario members are encouraged to attend.

Athlete Nominations

Call for Annual Award Winners

Every year at the end of the season Triathlon Ontario hosts an awards luncheon to recognize the accomplishments of its members. In addition to athletic achievements, there are a number of awards that celebrate the contributions of the sport’s most important people such as coaches, volunteers, builders and officials.

Due to the number of members and achievements, Triathlon Ontario relies on the nominations in order to celebrate its member’s achievements. If there are no nominations for an award, no award will be given. Please have the nomination forms in by October 16th, 2014.

The annual awards luncheon will be held at Novotel Mississauga, located at 3670 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, Ontario at 12pm. Details of the annual day of seminars and guest speakers is currently being finalized and will be announced shortly.

Click here for the Awards Nomination Form.


We’ve Partnered with PowerWatts to Provide Discounted Pricing to our Members

We have teamed up with PowerWatts to give you the opportunity to train in a unique, comfortable, and electrifying environment during the fall winter season.  TriOnt members receive a special discount for specific programs, another way we are giving greater value to our members.  The PowerWatts training system offers a distinctive group (or individual) indoor cycling experience that will evaluate your technique, bike positioning, and power output, as well as, program customization based on your needs created by PowerCoaches.  Each technique, endurance and power development instructional workout is lead by a certified and experienced PowerCoach.  It’s fun and challenging because each rider works at their own specific level.  Pricing and contact details below.

 Training Program

60-90 minute triathlon / cycling specific PowerWatts classes facilitated by a certified PowerWatts coach using both the flagship PowerWatts Multi –Adjustable system and revolutionary PowerWatts E-Motion Roller Platforms

 Individual threshold testing for CP20 + FTP with results used as markers for race pace performaces

Post Session data reports tracking all metrics available for individual use with Strava, TrainingPeaks, or interpretation + feedback by PowerWatts coaches.

 Ride – a – Race

Simulated recon rides for any event in the world, from Muskoka to Hawaii.

Pricing Structure

$38.00 per session 1x per week (Regular $41.50)

$36.50 per session 2x per week (Regular $40.00)

$35.00 per session 3x per week (Regular $38.00)

Total price based on a 20-30 week program.

108 Vine Ave, Toronto – High Park – augy.marmelo@gmail.com

150 Eglinton Ave East, 5th Floor, Toronto – The Sports Medicine Specialists – ryan.pwerwatts@gmail.com

Christmas is Coming

Only 11 Weeks till Christmas

Finished your Xmas shopping for everyone that is not on your notty list? Head over to our new online store for our Signature Roots hoodie (top seller) or pick up a myFloat to keep your gear dry while you’re training in the spring. We all also have great stocking stuffers: TriOnt arm warmers (non compression), visors, cool dry hats, water bottles and license plate covers. Every dollar spent at our store is reinvested back into the sport to help support the growth of Multisport in Ontario, guaranteed.

We also offer customizations for special items (a personalized, special thank you to your members?) for your club members? You can also buy direct from an even larger catalogue by checking out (insert link to our website) or contacting Ian Feldman direct at ifeldman@genumark.com or 416-498-4334.

 Visit Store                             View Catalogue


SIRC Member ID

Hey Coaches have you gotten your FREE SIRC member ID? It’s a great reference tool. Don’t delay, email info@triathlonontario.com for your ID today.

More info on our partnership with SIRC

Introduction to Competition Coaching

New NCCP Intro to Competitive Coaching Part 2 Seminar

We are holding a Comp. Intro Part 2 seminar on November 22 & 23, 2014 in Milton at the Milton Sports Center. This is the third stop in the competitive introduction pathway meant for those interested in professional, competitive level coaching for adult triathletes. This seminar will explain in detail the technical, planning and philosophy of professional coaching.

If you are a community level coach and have completed the Portfolio Paper 1 and the Making Ethical Decisions online exam and are interested in participating in this seminar, please email us at info@triathlonontario.com with you expression of interest and when you have completed the prerequisites as well as your NCCP number. This information will help us verify your eligibility.

Time:            8:00AM – 4:00PM

Cost:             Participant: $300.00

Click Here for the full Competition Introduction Pathway


NCCP Peterborough Community Level Coaching Course

We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on November 1 and 2, 2014 that is in Peterborough. The host venue is the Community Room in the Real Canadian Superstore, 769 Borden Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 0B6. This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults. The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.

                Time:    8:30AM – 4:00PM

                Cost:     Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00

Non Member: $200.00

This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.


 More info on Triathlon Coaching

New NCCP Community Level Coaching Course in London

We have added a stimulating and informative new Community Level coaching course in London on the weekend of November 15 & 16, 2014. It will be held at the University of Western Ontario, Room 3012 Thames Hall, London, Ontario.

                Time:     8:00AM – 4:00PM

                Cost:      Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00

                Non Member: $200.00


 More info on Triathlon Coaching

Continuing Education Course

Filming Underway For Next Set Of Continuing Education Courses

Filming of the next installment, swim techniques, is well under way. This installment will supplement the “Exercise Physiology for Triathletes”, courses taught by internationally renowned physiologist Dr. Greg Wells, which was launched earlier this year. In partnership with Dr. Wells, our premiere series of online con-ed courses targets NCCP Community Level trained triathlon coaches that are seeking to further develop their professional skill set.

Course Registration

For those coaches interested in signing up for the Exercise Physiology for Triathletes con-ed course or for the next NCCP Community Level coaching course you can do so by going to our Coaches home page on the Triathlon Ontario website at http://triathlonontario.com/members/coaches-2/.

Click here for more info about Dr Wells

Thanksgiving With TriOnt

Happy Thanksgiving from the Triathlon staff

Do what you gotta do to stay motivated after those extra helpings at dinner.

rhino unicorn - thanksgiving
“Can’t stop.  Won’t stop.  Gotta look fabulous.”


 Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics

End of Year Celebration/Early Christmas Present

Looking to celebrate a great race season or to get early Christmas presents for that special triathlete? Head over to our new online store for a well deserved Signature Roots hoodie or pick up a myFloat for the spring. We all also have TriOnt arm warmers (non compression), visors, cool dry hats, water bottles and license plate coves – all make great stocking stuffers or prizes for your club’s end of year celebration. We guarantee that visiting our store will take less time than a Try-A-Tri and that every dollar is reinvested back into the sport to help support the growth of Multisport in Ontario.

Want to customize something special for your club members? You can also buy direct from an even larger catalogue by checking out (insert link to our website) or contacting Ian Feldman direct at ifeldman@genumark.com or 416-498-4334.

Signature Roots HoodiesOur Signature Roots hoodie, with our original sleek design, is a unique and comfy item to get for the triathlete that has everything. myFloatOlympian Sharon Donnelly’s IFLOAT’s are an inflatable dry bag for beach swimming that easily attaches to you and keeps your stuff dry.

Visit Store                             View Catalogue

New Continuing Education Coaching Course

Filming Has Begun For Next Set Of Continuing Education Courses
Filming of the next installment, swim techniques, is well under way. This installment will supplement the “Exercise Physiology for Triathletes”, courses taught by internationally renowned physiologist Dr. Greg Wells, which was launched earlier this year. In partnership with Dr. Wells, our premiere series of online con-ed courses targets NCCP Community Level trained triathlon coaches that are seeking to further develop their professional skill set.

Course Registration
For those coaches interested in signing up for the Exercise Physiology for Triathletes con-ed course or for the next NCCP Community Level coaching course you can do so by going to our Coaches home page on the Triathlon Ontario website at http://triathlonontario.com/members/coaches-2/.

Click here for more info about Dr Wells

Youth Cup

Youth Cup ReCap

Multisport Canada’s Lakeside race played host to the 2014 Triathlon Ontario Youth Cup finale, as well as Provincial Championships for the Standard /International Distance Duathlon. Despite cool temperatures over the weekend the action was red hot!

Please note: In order to be eligible to compete in either the Youth Cup or for a Provincial Championship title, athletes must be active Triathlon Ontario members and compete in their proper respective age groups.

Youth Cup
This year’s Youth Cup was an overwhelming success. In just its second year of existence the competition was expanded from four races to five in the 14 & 15 age category, in which three of the five races were draft legal. This year also saw the addition of the 12 & 13 age category, which featured four non-draft legal races. In total 84 youth members competed in the Series, a dramatic increase over 2013 even when subtracting out the new age category. Triathlon Ontario would like to thank all of the race directors, athletes, coaches and parents for making this year’s Series such a success.

Girls 14 & 15
Erika Rankin made it a perfect four out of four by winning her fourth straight race and earning a maximum 105 points in this best four out of five races. Haley Sturrock followed up her second place showing at Provincials with another second place at Lakeside in just her second race of the Series. Rounding out the podium…

 Read More

Top Five Finishers

Girls 14 & 15

Erika Rankin
Sara Borrens
Ella Kubas
Emilie Tremblay
Hannah Hall

Boys14 & 15

Liam Donnelly
Kyle Caie
Nathan Gurrin-Smith
Aaron Poirier
Max Schindler

Girls 12 & 13

Emma Young
Isabella Mastroianni
Maxine Beland
Madison Walsh
Madeline Ongena

Boys 12 & 13

Tristen Jones
Liam Yoell
Matthew Cottam
Kanata Kitagawa
Cal Lewis

For full results and final standings, please click here

 Provincial Championships

International Distance Duathlon Provincial Championship ReCap

The provinces best duathletes took centre stage in Lakeside to do battle for the title and a chance to represent Canada at next year’s World Championships in Adelaide, Australia.

On the men’s side, Kintore’s Scott Finch used a 38:13 first run leg (10km) to build an early lead over the rest of the field and then followed that up with the day’s second fastest bike split with a time of 1:03:43 for the 40km course. Finch’s lead was insurmountable as he held on for the final 5.1km run leg to take the victory and the title.

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 Triple Crown Challenge

Triple Crown Challenge Winners Coronated

– Age Groupers Battle it Out in Edmonton for $500 –

The Triple Crown was a celebration of those that competed and completed Provincials, Nationals, and World Championships, in part, to recognize World Championships being held in Canada this past weekend.

Athletes were awarded points based on their finishing position in their age group in their gender. A $500 cash prize for each gender in each the Sprint and Standard distances was up for grabs. The winner was determined by the lowest amount of points. A total of 25 athletes were eligible for the competition after completing all three events in 2014.

Women’s Sprint
Janice Jones-Skinner used a podium finish (3rd place) in Edmonton to lock in her first place position and take home her $500 cash prize. In addition to her bronze at World’s, Jones-Skinner came in first in her age group …

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New NCCP Intro to Competitive Coaching Part 2 Seminar

We are holding a Comp. Intro Part 2 seminar on November 22 & 23, 2014 in Milton at the Milton Sports Center. This is the third stop in the competitive introduction pathway meant for those interested in professional, competitive level coaching for adult triathletes. This seminar will explain in detail the technical, planning and philosophy of professional coaching.

If you are a community level coach and have completed the Portfolio Paper 1 and the Making Ethical Decisions online exam and are interested in participating in this seminar, please email us at info@triathlonontario.com with you expression of interest and when you have completed the prerequisites as well as your NCCP number. This information will help us verify your eligibility.

The cost of the course is still to be determined but it will likely be between $225 and $250.

Click Here for the full Competition Introduction Pathway

 NCCP Peterborough Community Level Coaching Course

We have an exciting and informative Community Level NCCP coaching course on November 1 and 2, 2014 that is in Peterborough. The host venue is the Community Room in the Real Canadian Superstore, 769 Borden Avenue, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 0B6. This is an excellent introduction to key coaching concepts, general coaching information, and the principles of triathlon training for adults. The course is presented by an experienced instructor with applied exercises that provide opportunities for both learning and applying concepts of training and racing.

Time:            8:30AM – 4:00PM

Cost:             Triathlon Ontario Member: $175.00

Non Member: $200.00

This course sells out so sign up today to reserve your spot.


More info on Triathlon Coaching

New NCCP Community Course in London

We have added a new Community Level coaching course in London tentatively on the weekend of November 15 & 16, 2014.  Details and registration are currently in the process of being finalized and will be announced later this month.

Off Season Membership

Our non-racing off season $10 Triathlon Ontario membership will be open for registration on October 1 for the 2014 season.  This membership is ideal for club activities or any Triathlon Ontario clinics or seminars and is good until March 31, 2015.  Membership applications must be submitted via paper based applications by request by email info@triathlonontario.com or through club memberships (additional club fees may apply).

Indoor Winter Triathlon Series

Inaugural Indoor Winter Triathlon Series

Traditionally, the offseason has been long and boring with very little racing opportunities, but we are planning to change that by putting together a new Indoor Winter Triathlon Series for the 2014-2015 season.

The feedback, support and participation from athletes, coaches and parents at the Inaugural Indoor Provincial Championship held in February at McMaster University was overwhelming so we’ve decided to do it again, but bigger! We are currently working on securing dates and site with our partners so stay tuned for details as they become available.

TriOnt Partners With SIRC

Triathlon Ontario and SIRC Partner to Offer Coaches Premier Resource Tool

– TriOnt continues to build membership value for one of its most important constituents – coaches –

Triathlon Ontario has entered into a partnership with Canada’s National Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC). Through this partnership Triathlon Ontario will be able to offer its coaching membership base a subscription to SIRC and its extensive world-class collection of sport related research material at no additional cost.

“As the overseers of triathlon coaching development in the province, we are constantly working to provide coaches with as many tools as possible to be the best coaches they can be so they can in turn help their athletes reach their respective goals ,” said Phil Dale, Executive Director of Triathlon Ontario. “Whether its administering the NCCP coaching program, creating a unique online continuing education series, or now offering a dynamic research tool like SIRC, Triathlon Ontario is increasing membership value for our coaches and continues to demonstrate that membership is much more than insurance and a magazine subscription.”

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Final Provincial Championship

Long Distance Triathlon Provincial Championship This Weekend

The final Provincial Championship of the season has arrived! The Long Distance Triathlon Provincial Championship will take place at the inaugural Multisport Canada Niagara Barrelman race on this Sunday. The race has a 2km Swim, 90km Bike and 21 km Run beginning in the legendary Welland Canal and winds it’s way throughout Niagara. Participants will have the unique opportunity to go past, during the run, the World Famous Niagara Falls twice. Lionel Sanders will go for an unprecedented third straight Provincial Championship in one season while trying to hold off an impressive field of long distance triathletes.

The excitement doesn’t end there, this race is the only qualifying race (3 spots available per gender per age group) in Ontario for Sweden 2015, the ITU Long Distance World Championships, that will be held on June 27, 2015. This is your opportunity to wear the maple leaf and represent Canada while racing on the international stage. There is also $5,000 in prize money for qualifying athletes.

Ontario Summer Games

OSG Commemorative Shirts

Our Commemorative OSG Shirts have arrived! Something special for the Gold, Silver and Bronze medallists.

2015 World Championship Spots

Important Message From TriCan Regarding 2015 World Championship Spots

  1. Athletes who have obtained an “automatic qualifying” spot at one of the local qualifying events this past season should claim their spot by 5pm (EST), Thursday September 25th if they not have already done so. Registration link, found at www.triathloncanada.com, will be taken down after 5pm in preparation for General Registration
    Automatic Qualifier: refers to an athlete, for example, who placed 1st in their  respective age group category (for 2015) at a local qualifying race with 1 spot per age group category
  2. Any unclaimed spots will be placed in the pool for General Registration
  3. Athletes who are hoping to claim a spot during General Registration should visit www.triathloncanada.com over the weekend of September 26th for General Registration details, including:
  • How many spots available per age group category/distance
  • Exact date/time for registration to begin – start date/times will differ depending on placing, World Championship, etc…
  • Further details on Special Application and Charity Spot applications
  1. Any registrations received prior to the start date/time will not be considered

 Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics

What’s New @TriOntario


Our NEW Online Store is NOW OPEN!

Some of you may have noticed something new on our homepage menu, well we are proud to announce that our New Online Store is ready to fulfil your triathlon needs. In it you can find all kinds of great triathlon gear at rock bottom membership prices!  Not only will you look like a pro with our great selection of triathlon essentials, you’ll also have the comfort of knowing you are doing your part to support the growth of Multisport in Ontario.After all, as a non-profit governing body every dollar of revenue generated is re-invested back into the sport in Ontario!

You will have the opportunity to grab one of our:

Signature Roots Hoodies

Our Signature Roots hoodie, with our original sleek design, is a unique and comfy item to get for the triathlete that has everything.

I Float

This item allows any triathlete to store their gear safely and securely while on an open water swim. Olympian Sharon Donnelly’s IFLOAT’s are an inflatable dry bag for beach swimming that easily attaches to you and keeps your stuff dry. No drag in the water! They are highly visible to watercraft and are always with you in case of emergency.

The Online Store will also offer:

  • Cool-Dry Hats
  • Trendy Visors
  • TriOntario Arm Warmers (non compression)
  • Wide Mouth Water Bottles
  • Customized TriOntario License Plate Covers

 Click Here to visit

Ontario Summer Games

Triathlon Ontario congratulates Ian MacKinnon and Jackie Douglas for their gold medal performances at the 2014 Ontario Summer Games, held in Windsor, Ontario on August 9th. The girl’s race was very close while the boys had a bit of back and forth.


44 out of the 48 athletes came back a few hours later to compete in the mixed relays. The relays were a non-medal event so the athletes were competing for pride, fun and some prizes. After re-jigging a couple teams to account for a few injured athletes, 10 teams of girl-boy-girl-boy and one team of boy-boy-girl-boy lined up on the shortened course. Under this format, each competitor completed a 200m swim, 5km bike, 1.5km run before tagging the next teammate who completed their leg. Famous triathletes were used as team names and much like on the ITU circuit, Team Javier Gomez (James Cooke, Jack Bone, Spencer Robinson, Nicole Ritchie) took first (1:24:50), Team Gwen Jorgensen (Allison Gibb, Ryan McCallum, Erika Rankin, Jeremy Cunningham) took second (1:25:09), Team Alistair Brownlee (Ian MacKinnon, Oliver Davies, Samantha Howard, Tarrah Price) took third (1:25:53). The action was fast and furious and very exciting…

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Olympic Triathlon Provincial Championships

Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge Olympic served as this year’s Olympic Provincial Championship. St. George’s Angela Quick held on and won the women’s Provincial title in a time of 2:15:09. Caledon’s Sean Bechtel lead wire-to-wire and won the men’s Provincial title with a total time of 1:55:18…

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Triple Crown Update

With the Olympic distance provincials complete, two of the three events are complete in the Olympic distance Triple Crown Challenge. The stage is complete for a fantastic finish in Edmonton at the World Championships.

The men’s side is heating up. Richard Gilbert and Jackson Laundry are tied for first place with 30 points (lowest point total wins) after Nationals and Provincials, while Mike Greenberg is breathing down their necks one point behind with 31 points. Andrew Bolton, Brian Laundry and Carm Morra are staying close with 34, 35, and 36 points respectively. Jackson Laundry holds the tie-breaker advantage if needed as his finishing time was closest to the winner at Provincials.

On the women’s side it looks as though Meghan Lamers will take the title as long as she completes the race in Edmonton. Barring an administration error, Meghan survived attrition and is the lone competitor left that has competed in both Provincials and Nationals and is set to compete at Worlds. Despite what may seem like an automatic win, Lamers has posted extremely competitive results and will be a worthy champion and winner of $500, assuming she completes the race in Edmonton.

 Updated standings can be found here

Draft Legal Provincial Championship Series

Triathlon Ontario, crowned six new Provincial Champions in Ottawa at the 2014 Draft Legal Provincial Championships. This was also the third stop in the Ontario Youth Cup Series, where an additional ~25% more points were up for grabs in the 14-15 age category.

Weather conditions were perfect on the day for Ontario’s premier triathletes. Through programs such as the RTC Guelph, Quest for Gold Athlete Assistance Program or the Provincial Development Program, a total of 16 Triathlon Ontario supported athletes took the start line in the Elite/U23 & Junior divisions…

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Next Stop on the Provincial Championship

The next stop on the Provincial Championship Circuit is Multisport Canada’s Lakeside Duathlon on September 14th. This is also the Standard Distance qualifier for Adelaide 2015.

 What you need to qualify:

1) Be a Triathlon Ontario member in the year of qualification (2014) and race year (2015)

2) Sign up and race Multisport Canada’s Lakeside Duathlon.

3) Finish in the top of your age group in your gender and be sure to notify Triathlon Canada by the designated cut off time

4) If you don’t finish in the top of your age group, you still have a great shot of being part of the team that races in Australia.  All unclaimed spots are put in a pool and given out on a first come first serve basis on a date announced by Triathlon Canada.

Youth Cup Series Update

Triathlon Ontario’s 2014 Elite-U23 & Junior Draft Legal Provincial Championship & U15 Race was an important stop on the Youth Cup circuit for the 14-15 age group, as an additional 25% points were available for the Provincial Championship. Liam Donnelly cemented his lead in the series by taking first place and a maximum of 80 points after three events. James Cooke and Spencer Allen took second and third place on the day. Kyle Caie is in second place overall with 61 points followed closely by Nathan Gurrin-Smith with 57 points and Spencer Allen with 54 points.

On the Girl’s side, Erika Rankin made back-to-back wins on the Series by taking the Provincial title over Haley Sturrock and Sara Borrens. Borrens, however, has the overall lead after three consecutive podium finishes with 69 points. Ella Kubas is just eight points away in second at 61 points followed closely by Emilie Tremblay with 60 points and Erika Rankin with a maximum of 55 points after just two events.

The next stop in the Youth Cup Series is on August 24th, at the Dunrobin KOS, where the 12-13 ages will rejoin the Series. Will anyone be able to catch Liam Donnelly? Will Sara Borrens be able to put some distance between her and the rest of the field? Stay tuned to find out!

Click Here to View the 2014 Leader Board

National Junior Series

 Klus Wraps Up Jr Career With Win in BC

How does a true champion react to the disappointment of not being selected to the National Junior team to compete at World’s?  She goes out and wins the next and last National Junior Series race!  That’s how Provincial Team member and Quest for Gold supported athlete Samantha Klus capped off a solid junior career last week by winning the final stop of this year’s National Junior Series in Kelowna, BC.  Congratulations on the win and a great junior career.

Best of luck as you move into the U23 ranks!

ITU World Championships

 Good Luck to Those Competing at Worlds Next Week

Ontario will be very well represented next week as the world descends onto Edmonton for the ITU World Championships.  Nearly 250 Age Groupers from Ontario will be competing for Canada in either the Aquathlon, Sprint Triathlon or Standard (Olympic) Triathlon.

Ontario will also be well represented on the Para, Junior, U23 and Elite side as well.  Some of the athletes are supported at the National level, while some are supported provincially by Triathlon Ontario programs (as noted besides their names).

Good luck to the following Ontario High Performance athletes!

Paratriathlon Elite Women & Men PT-5 Class

Christine Robbins

David Blair

Ryan Van Praet

Elite Men

Kyle Jones

Andrew Yorke – RTC Guelph

U23 Women & Men

Joanna Brown – RTC Guelph

Dominika Jamnicky – RTC Guelph, Quest for Gold AAP

Amélie Kretz – RTC Guelph

Alexander Hinton – RTC Guelph

Taylor Forbes

Junior Women & Men

Kirsten Vergara – Provincial Development Team, Quest for Gold AAP

Myles Zagar – RTC Guelph, Quest for Gold AAP

Continuing Education Coaching Courses

Course Registration

Reminder for coaches who completed the NCCP Community Level course and are looking for the next step, you can register for the Exercise Physiology for Triathletes continuing-education course hosted by TV personality Dr. Greg Wells. To register, visit our Coaches home page on the Triathlon Ontario website at http://triathlonontario.com/members/coaches-2/.

Click here for more info about Dr Wells

Next course in production!


 There is a new NCCP Community Level coaching course in Peterborough on November 1 & 2, 2014. Details and sign up form located here.

What’s New @TriOntario

 Winners of 2014 Provincial Club Championships

– Record number of clubs (34) and athletes (244) competed for $2,000 prize purse –

The Club Championships were revamped in 2014 to include points for both Age Group placings as well as points for participation in Sprint and Olympic distance triathlon, duathlon and relays. Additionally, two new Divisions were created. Division I consisted of sanctioned clubs with 50 or more members and Division II consisted of sanctioned clubs with less than 50 members at the time of competition.

Here are the winners of the Division I and Division II Provincial Club Championships held June 21 & 22 at the Subaru Series’ Guelph Lake I race.

A record 34 clubs and 244 athletes participated in the competition this year to make it a huge success. Division I was close, however Team LPC Triathlon Club edged out rival The Toronto Triathlon Club

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Belle River – Sprint Triathlon Provincial Championship

Congratulations to Lionel Sanders and Kirstie Kniaziew for winning their second provincial Championship on July 6, 2014 at the Sprint Championship at Belle River Triathlon.   This race was the only Ontario-based Sprint Triathlon qualifier for the ITU World Triathlon Series World Grand Final in Chicago 2015 and in the first of three races in the Inaugural Triple Crown Challenge ($500 cash prize). This will be both Lionel and Kirstie’s second provincial championship for 2014.   Are they going for Number 3?


The Next Provincial Championship is the Bracebridge Triathlon for the Olympic Championship.

For more info on the Triple Crown check out the Triple Crown article (below) and the Official Page

International Results for Canadian Athletes

2014 Commonwealth Games

Kirsten Sweetland started off today with a great performance winning Silver for Canada. Andrew Yorke put in a solid performance but was just shy of a podium finish, finishing fourth.


ITU Pan American Cup (PATCO)

The ITU Pan American Cup was the unofficial test event for the 2015 Pan Am Games. Ontario athletes Kyle Jones and RTC athlete Dominika Jamnicky both won.


National Championships

Canadian National Championships were weld in Magog, Quebec, last weekend. On the Women’s side Amelie Kretz received Gold. The men’s side won with a clean sweep with Kyle Jones, Alexander Hinton and Taylor Forbes coming in first, second and third.

Continuing Education Coaching Courses

Pre-production on Next Online Continuing Education Coaching Courses Has Begun

– Swim, Bike & Run courses to begin filming next month –

Triathlon Ontario has begun pre-production of its next three installments of its popular, ground breaking online continuing education coaching courses. Course outlines have been finalized and filming is set to begin next month for the highly anticipated Swim, Bike and Run Technique courses. These installments will supplement the “Exercise Physiology for Triathletes”, taught by internationally renowned physiologist Dr. Greg Wells, which was launched earlier this year.

In partnership with Dr. Wells, Triathlon Ontario’s premiere series of online con-ed courses targets NCCP Community Level trained triathlon coaches that are seeking to further develop their professional skill set.   The series of courses will be comprised of a number of subjects such as Exercise Physiology, Psychology, Strength and Conditioning, Nutrition, Transitions and Sport Specific Technique (Swim, Bike and Run). Each subject heading will consist of 6-10 hours of content divided into approximately 45 minute segments. Coaches will be provided with access to watch the instructional videos and will be required to complete online quizzes.

Swim Technique

The Swim Technique course will be taught by swim coach Mike Rutledge. Mike has over 30 years of experience in the area of competitive swimming both as an athlete and coach…

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Course Registration

For those coaches interested in signing up for the Exercise Physiology for Triathletes con-ed course or for the next NCCP Community Level coaching course you can do so by going to our Coaches home page on the Triathlon Ontario website at http://triathlonontario.com/members/coaches-2/.

Click here for more info about Dr Wells

Stay Tuned for more courses!

Ottawa Draft Legal Race

Elite/U23, Jr Development, U15 Draft Legal Provincial Championships – August 2

Registration for the 2014 Draft Legal Provincial Championships in Ottawa on August 2 will be closing Wednesday July 30th. There will be no race day registrations.

You can register and see the course maps by going to our Provincial Championships page here.   Athlete briefing and race kit pick up on site Friday, August 1 at 6pm.

Don’t miss out on one of the few chances to race draft legalin Ontario and for just $70, a fraction of typical registration fees!

This is also an important stop on the Youth Cup seriesfor the U15s (14-15), where points are worth ~25% more.

Check out what’s New for 2014:

  • New swim course
  • Increased prize money for the Elite/U23 wave
  • Use of transition bins for all waves

Don’t forget, you need to have an active TriOnt or other PGB membership and draft card to take part.

Download PDF

Triple Crown Challenge

2014 Triple Crown Challenge (Update)

Provincial Sprint Triathlon Championship on July 6, the first race for the Inaugural Triathlon Ontario Triple Crown Challenge, in Belle River, Ontario.   2014 intends to be a exhilarating and unique moment for many triathletes where each male and female group participating in the Sprint and Olympic distance races, will compete for a $500 cash prize.   This depends solely on how they finish in their age group at this year’s (2014) World, National and Provincial races, which make up the “Triple Crown”, and will be held on Canadian soil.


Click Here for Sprint updated standings – (Reminder: Least amount of points wins!)

For more info on the Triple Crown Click Here

2015 Pan Am Games

Volunteer with the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games Triathlon

The TORONTO 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games will be the largest international multi-sport Games ever held in Canada, with a geographical footprint stretching from Welland to Oshawa to Minden Hills, Ontario.

Athletes from 41 countries across the Americas and Caribbean will be training and competing in the Pan Am Games between July 10 and 26, and the Parapan Am Games between August 7 and 15, 2015.

We are looking to identify specialized field-of-play volunteers for Triathlon, and want to know if you would like to become a Games-time volunteer.

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Ontario Summer games (Update)

The relay teams have been announced for the 2014 Ontario Summer games team. The relays are a mixed event (male & female) and are a not medal event.


Team Simon Whitfield Team Kirsten Sweetland Team Kyle Jones Team Craig Alexander
Bethell Bridget Borrens Sara Burgess Tamara Cooke Samantha
Justin Attfield Wisner Tyler Westbroek Daniel Toneguzzi Daniel
Guthrie Hailey Chant Emily Gregoire Megan Zaza Yossra
Nixon Addison Allen Spencer Bone Jack Caie Kyle
Team Chrissie Wellington Team Lisa Bentley Team Javier Gomez Team Gwen Jorgensen
DeLone Ariel Douglas Jacqueline Garcia Trella Gibb Allison
Serratore Frederick Rudderham Ryan Robinson Spencer McCallum Ryan
Tremblay Emilie Shearer Lauren Ritchie Nicole Rankin Erika
Card Riley Cherry Liam Cooke James Cunningham Jeremy
Team Alistair Brownlee Team Mirinda Carfrae Team Lionel Sanders Team Heather Wurtele
Howard Samantha Hunt Chloe Jones Kaitlyn Mayer Katarina
MacKinnon Ian Kirkham Aidan Harris Matthew Gurrin-Smith Nathan
Price Tarrah Panko Lucy Menegotto Talijia McAllister Ginny
Davies Oliver Donnelly Liam Goble Drew Gagnon Marc-Antonie

Visit our Ontario Summer Games Page for updates and info regarding the OSG.


Recent Results

2014 Ontario Youth Cup Series’ First Stop: Guelph KOS®

Guelph Lake KOS® was the first stop in the expanded 2014 edition of the Triathlon Ontario Youth Cup Series. The start time was pushed back approximately an hour due to cooler temperatures but that didn’t cool down some blazing times put in by our competitors.

Boys 14-15

Liam Donnelly took a Series lead with 25 points from his 1 min. 28 sec. victory over second place finisher Kyle Caie. Donnelly came out of the water in 7th place, 1:28 behind leader Will Stewart who had a swim time of 5:40 over the 400m swim course. Donnelly made up ground over the technical 10km bike course posting the fastest bike split of the day averaging 35.9km/hr. He also posted the fastest 4km run time of the day averaging 3:43/km to solidify his victory.

Girls 14-15

Sara Borrens put on a dominating performance on Sunday in Guelph, winning by nearly 3 minutes over the rest of the field. Borrens and a group of five other girls came out of the water within 12 seconds of each other, but she began to put the pack behind her with a blistering bike split (5th fastest overall bike split). Coming into T2 Borrens had over a minute lead over Emilie Tremblay and extended it even more on the run leg to comfortably take the first race in this year’s Series.

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Click here for full Series standings

National Junior Series

Ontario Triathletes Battle Hard in National Junior Series Opener

In the first of four National Junior Series events Provincial Team member and Quest for Gold supported athlete, Samantha Klus showed her strength and grabs Ontario’s solo podium spot finishing 3rd.
Triathlon Ontario supported athletes racked up a number of top 10 finishes, including 4th (Myles Zagar – RTC Guelph) and 5th (Oliver Blecher – C3) on the men’s side, and 3rd (Samantha Klus– Bytown Storm) and 6th place (Meagan Adams – Bytown Storm) .  Early Saturday morning with water temperature at a “balmy 16 degrees” and 10 degree air temp with 20k winds. It promised to be an interesting start to the season.

Up first were the men, with the woman following 5 min behind.  Over  60 Junior men and almost 30 Junior women lined up on the beach for the 750m swim, 20k bike and 5k run.

On the men’s side two Ontario athletes, Myles Zagar and Oliver Blecher exited the water first with a 15-20 second lead over a group of 6-7 other men…

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Greg Kealey is based out of Ottawa and is Triathlon Ontario’s Provincial Development Coach and Ontario’s Canada Summer Games coach for Triathlon.  He is also a member of Bytown Storm’s Development Team www.bytowntriathlon.com.

Triathlon World Cup

Dominika Jamnicky Solid in 11th at Triathlon World Cup in Mexico

—John Rasmussen leads Canadian men in 17th—

HUATULCO, Mex.—Dominika Jamnicky got her World Cup season off to a solid start with an 11h-place finish on Sunday in Huatulco, Mexico.

Jamnicky, who gained valuable experience after racing the challenging Huatulco course one year ago, was solid from start-to-finish in the 1.5-kilometre swim, 40-kilometre bike and 10-kilometre run course. Jamnicky clocked a time two hours, 21 minutes, 11 seconds (2:21:11) under the intense heat.

“This course absolutely crushed me last year so I came back this year with much better preparation,” said the 21-year-old Jamnicky. “I knew what to expect in terms of the course and hot weather. The goal was to stay cool as long as possible, position myself well and stay hydrated. I did my best to commit to the plan from start to finish and execute a smart race…

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Complete ITU World Cup Results (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run): http://www.triathlon.org/results/event/2014_huatulco_itu_triathlon_world_cup

Upcoming Races

Sharbot Lake

This weekend (July 27th) the Improved and Expanded Ontario Youth Cup Race Series moves to Sharbot Lake. This will be the first Draft Legal race for the 14-15 year olds however it will still be Draft Illegal for the 12-13 year olds.   The Sharbot Lake KOS® is a classic Kids of Steel event that has a rich history of friendly competition and sportsmanship and not surprisingly the beginning of our very own Simon Whitfield’s Triathlon career. It was organized by triathlon legend Rudy Hollywood and his wife Joan in the 1970’s and was revived in 2013 by the Bytown Storm Triathlon Club


Are You Registered?  On line registration is closed however, you can register in person on Saturday July 26th from 3-6pm at the race site.

Stop by the Ontario Youth Cup page to check out Leaderboard updates and for on the named Champion Who Dares to Touch The Cup.

For a full list of race venues for the 12-13 & 14-15 age groups and Series rules please click here!

Provincial Olympic Championship – Bracebridge

Bracebridge will play host to the 2014 Provincial Olympic Triathlon Championship on August 10, 2014. Bracebridge is located in relaxing cottage country and will be the only Ontario based qualifier for the Olympic distance in Chicago for 2015 .   Chicago will be host to the ITU World Triathlon Series Grand


What you need to qualify:

1) Be a Triathlon Ontario member in the year of qualification (2014) and race year (2015)

2) Sign up and race either the Belle River Sprint Triathlon or Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge Olympic Triathlon, depending on your race length of choice

3) Finish in the top of your age group in your gender and be sure to notify Triathlon Canada by the designated cut off time

4) If you don’t finish in the top of your age group, you still have a great shot of being part of the team that races in Chicago.  All unclaimed spots are put in a pool and given out on a first come first serve basis on a date announced by Triathlon Canada.

2014 Membership

Don’t forget to sign up for the 2014 Season. Sign Up now or you’ll miss all of the Great Benefits.

Club Wear

Triathlon Ontario’s New Club Wear Program

Through its partnership with Ian Feldman of Genumark, the program is designed to give clubs – big and small – the opportunity to source an extensive catalogue of club wear options at competitive prices from a trusted source.

Triathlon Ontario understands the value to a club when its members proudly display their club colours either at races, training sessions, or even in casual wear.  There is no doubt that clubs who have members wearing their club colours helps develop a sense of team spirit, increases visibility, thereby attracting more members and offers additional sponsorship and revenue generation opportunities.

Read More


Check Out the Catalogue

Membership Benefits Exclusive to TriOntario Members

Get race ready for the SUMMER season. Get the nutrients you need to get you race ready from the custom blended Tri GO Pack tailored to Triathletes specifically. For those who know what they need, you can create YOUR OWN CUSTOM BLENDED formula tailored to your specific needs MADE IN CANADA.

Don’t forget:   Triathlon Ontario Members Get 20% Off Of All Products


What’s Included with the TriPack?

1 – RUN (4 servings).

Infinit’s Ultra Premium Electrolyte Drink
2 – RIDE (4 servings).

Specifically formulated by the Infinit development team to have extra calories (274) and just enough protein (4g) to help you stay full with no bloating
1 – JET FUEL (8 servings) .

The low osmolality formulation for short explosive efforts. Ultra-premium product for your fastest race ever!
1 – INFINIT RAW (9 servings).

A high quality, rapidly absorbed protein which is very versatile. It enables the athlete to customize their own nutrition
1 – REPAIR (4 servings) – .

The Best Recovery Drink on the Planet. Ultra-premium, all-natural ingredients for the best recovery drink on the planet.

The assistance you need to create your very own CUSTOM formulation for your racing and training needs. Work with one of our Infinit staff by phone and discuss…


PRICE: $69.95*


List Price: $120.00

You Save: $50.05

You Receive: Support. Deliciousness. Fuel for your BEST PB.




What’s New @TriOntario


COMING SOON…  in the next few weeks we will have an online store where you can get all of your cool triathlon gear at MEMBERSHIP PRICES.  If you’re looking for a great gift, are a premier triathlete or just want to look and feel cool while you’re kicking up dust on your competitors while crossing the finish line, you will find it here.

The eStore will offer:

 Cool-Dry Hats

  • Trendy Visors
  • TriOntario Arm Warmers (they really work!)
  • Roots Hoodies
  • Wide Mouth Water Bottles
  • Customized TriOntario License Plate Covers
  • Ifloats

 Sprint Duathlon Provincial Champions

 Congrats to Lionel Sanders and Kirstie Kniaziew – 2014 Sprint Duathlon Provincial Champions!

 The Triathlon Ontario Provincial Championships officially kicked off its outdoor season in the small Essex County community of Harrow, Ontario with the Iron Hawk Sprint Duathlon. The race offered a $3,000 prize purse which attracted some of the province’s best.  The start list promised a blazing fast race, and the results did not disappoint.  The race also doubled as a 2015 National Team Qualifier for the World Championships in Adelaide, Australia.

 Read More


 We had an issue with our mail server which caused several of our subscribers to receive several copies of the past news release (Ontario Sprint Duathlon Highlights).  We would like to inform you that this issue has since been rectified.  We are truly sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we rectified this issue.

~Triathlon Ontario Staff


National Sprint and Olympic Duathlon Championships &

Provincial Sprint Triathlon Championships

 Sprint Distance – July 6th

Olympic Distance – July 13th

Are you Registered and Ready for the next 2 races on the Provincial and National Championships trail?  Belle River is not only hosting the only Ontario-based Sprint Triathlon qualifier for the legendary city of Chicago in 2015?

They are also host to the National Sprint Duathlon Championships.  Sprint Distance Triathlons are generally fast but if you know anything about the landscape of Belle River and Canada’s most southern region, you already know that this could be LIGHTNING fast!  If the prospect of setting your shoes on fire from the speed entices you July 6th is the date.  Bring spare shoes!

For more info check out our National Team Qualifier Page

On July 13th, the Toronto Triathlon Festival will be hosting the National Championships for Duathlon’s Standard/International Distance.  This is a qualifier for the ITU Duathlon World Championships in Adelaide, Australia  from 14 to 18 October, 2015.  This is sure to be not just a “G’Day” but a “Great” Day!

2014 Membership

Don’t forget to sign up for the 2014 Season.  Sign Up now or you’ll miss all of the Great Benefits.


Triple Crown Challenge 

Triple Crown Challenge

-$500 Cash Prize to the Winners-

 We have created a special competition for Age Groupers in recognition of Edmonton’s hosting of the 2014 Age Group World Championship. 2014 presents a rare opportunity to compete in all three (Provincials, Nationals and World’s), making up the “Triple Crown” , on Canadian soil.

Click Here for more info

Rules of the Competition

Must be Triathlon Ontario members at the time BEFORE the first competition

  • Must compete in all three races to be considered
  • Must compete in the same three distances (the three races have to be all Sprint or all Olympic distances)

 Register Today!


Elite/U23, Jr Development, U15 Draft Legal Provincial Championships – August 2

Do you have a draft card and are a Triathlon Ontario member?  This is one of your only chances to race like an Olympian in Ontario by using your drafting skills on the bike – legally!  There is an increased prize purse available for the Elite/U23 division and if you are in the Ontario Youth Cup Series, 14-15 age division, this stop is worth extra points in the Series.  August 2nd, Ottawa is the place you can race like a pro!

Sign up now!


Club Championships

Don’t forget to register for Subaru Series’ Guelph Lake I on June 22/23rd will play host to Ontario’s clubs as they wear their club colours with pride and battle each other for bragging rights and prize money.  Make sure you get your members signed up!

Check out the full rules here.


Ontario Youth Cup Series

Are you registered for the Improved and Expanded Ontario Youth Cup Race Series 2014.  The first stop is in Guelph for the Guelph Lake KOS on June 15th.  This is a new venue for this expanded race series so sign up now to get a chance to experience this new course and a chance at touching THE CUP.

For a full list of race venues for the 12-13 & 14-15 age groups and Series rules please click here!

Ontario Summer Games Qualifier

You can still qualify for one of the spots available in the wild card race on June 21.  The qualifier is the Try-a-Tri race at Subaru Series’ Guelph Lake I race.  If you were born in 1998 or 1999 and haven’t qualified yet in one of last year’s regional qualifiers for the Ontario Summer Games, you are in luck!

Sign Up Today


Club Wear

Triathlon Ontario’s New Club Wear Program

 Through its partnership with Ian Feldman of Genumark, the program is designed to give clubs – big and small – the opportunity to source an extensive catalogue of club wear options at competitive prices from a trusted source.

Triathlon Ontario understands the value to a club when its members proudly display their club colours either at races, training sessions, or even in casual wear.  There is no doubt that clubs who have members wearing their club colours helps develop a sense of team spirit, increases visibility, thereby attracting more members and offers additional sponsorship and revenue generation opportunities.

Read More

 Check Out the Catalogue


Coaching & Officiating


Continuing Education Program

If you already have your coaching certification and want to increase your skill set.  TriOntario, in partnership with the Wells group, has created a premier online Continuing Education Program for Triathlon Coaching.  The first course is Exercise Physiology for Triathletes, presented by Dr. Wells.

 Click here to register for the course

 Click here for more info about Dr Wells

Stay Tuned for more courses!
Tara’s Nutrition Tips (formerly Tara’s Nutrition Analysis)

 Tara's Nutrition Tips #3

Tara Postnikoff is a registered Nutritional Consultant, Triathlon Coach and Personal trainer


Exclusive Membership Benefits

 Get race ready for the SUMMER season.  Get the nutrients you need to get you race ready from the custom blended Tri GO Pack tailored to Triathletes specifically.  For those who know what they need, you can create YOUR OWN CUSTOM BLENDED formula tailored to your specific needs MADE IN CANADA.

Don’t forget:  Triathlon Ontario Members Get 20% Off Of All Products

 What’s Included with the TriPack?

1 – RUN (4 servings).

Infinit’s Ultra Premium Electrolyte Drink
2 – RIDE (4 servings).

Specifically formulated by the Infinit development team to have extra calories (274) and just enough protein (4g) to help you stay full with no bloating
1 – JET FUEL (8 servings) .

The low osmolality formulation for short explosive efforts. Ultra-premium product for your fastest race ever!
1 – INFINIT RAW (9 servings).

A high quality, rapidly absorbed protein which is very versatile. It enables the athlete to customize their own nutrition
1 – REPAIR (4 servings) – .

The Best Recovery Drink on the Planet. Ultra-premium, all-natural ingredients for the best recovery drink on the planet.


The assistance you need to create your very own CUSTOM formulation for your racing and training needs. Work with one of our Infinit staff by phone and discuss…

 PRICE: $69.95*


List Price: $120.00

You Save: $50.05

You Receive: Support.  Deliciousness.  Fuel for your NEW PB.



Visit Triathlon Ontario.com for the latest triathlon news, events, camps, and clinics


Provincial Championships/National Team Qualifiers


 Sprint Distance – May 10th

Standard/International Distance – September 14th

 We kick off the Provincial Championship season with the Iron Hawk Sprint Duathlon on May 10th in Harrow, Ontario.  This course is flat and fast so get ready to set some personal bests!

This is a qualifier for the 2015 National Age Group Team so if you need an excuse to go to the Land Down Under or if you want to run-bike-run alongside kangaroos you’re in luck because the ITU Duathlon World Championships will be in Adelaide, Australia from 14 to 18 October, 2015.

Standard/International Distance more your speed?  No worries mate!  Multisport Canada’s Lakeside Duathlon on September 14th has what you need to get you to the land of Oz because it’s the Provincial Championship and Standard Distance qualifier for Adelaide 2015.


What you need to qualify:

1) Be a Triathlon Ontario member in the year of qualification (2014) and race year (2015)

2) Sign up and race either the Iron Hawk Sprint Duathlon or Multisport Canada’s Lakeside Duathlon, depending on your race length of choice

3) Finish in the top of your age group in your gender and be sure to notify Triathlon Canada by the designated cut off time

4) If you don’t finish in the top of your age group, you still have a great shot of being part of the team that races in Australia.  All unclaimed spots are put in a pool and given out on a first come first serve basis on a date announced by Triathlon Canada.



 Sprint Distance – July 6th

Olympic/Standard Distance – August 10th

Sprint Distance Triathlons are normally fast but if you know anything about the landscape of Belle River and Canada’s most southern region, you know this could be LIGHTNING fast!  There isn’t a hill within 100kms.  If the prospect of setting your shoes on fire from the speed isn’t enough to entice you to race, how about that this is the only Ontario-based Sprint Triathlon qualifier for the legendary city of Chicago in 2015?  July 6th is the date, Belle River is the place.  Be there.

Prefer cottage country and the relaxing environment of the Muskoka region?  Maybe your path to Chicago in 2015 is paved through Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge Olympic Distance Triathlon on August 10th.  Again, the only Ontario-based qualifier for the Olympic Distance in Chicago next year is MSC’s Bracebridge race.

Why should you care about Chicago’s 2015 race?  Because it’s going to be “epic”.  The City of Chicago will play host to the ITU World Triathlon Series Grand Final and the course will include such famous landmarks as Grant Park, the Art Institute of Chicago, Soldier Field and Millennium Park, and will culminate with a loop around Buckingham Fountain at the finish.


What you need to qualify:

1) Be a Triathlon Ontario member in the year of qualification (2014) and race year (2015)

2) Sign up and race either the Belle River Sprint Triathlon or Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge Olympic Triathlon, depending on your race length of choice

3) Finish in the top of your age group in your gender and be sure to notify Triathlon Canada by the designated cut off time

4) If you don’t finish in the top of your age group, you still have a great shot of being part of the team that races in Chicago.  All unclaimed spots are put in a pool and given out on a first come first serve basis on a date announced by Triathlon Canada.


Long Distance Triathlon  – September 21

Have you checked going long off your bucket list and are looking for a new challenge? Why not shoot for the unique chance to race while wearing the maple leaf, representing Canada on the international stage and putting all of that long course training to good use?

The inaugural Multisport Canada Niagara Barrelman race is not only the Long Distance Triathlon Provincial Championship, it’s also the only qualifying race in Ontario for the 2015 ITU Long Distance World Championship, being held June 27th, 2015 in Motala, Sweden. The World Championship consists of a 4km Swim, 120km Bike, 30km Run.

The Niagara Falls Barrelman consists of a 2k Swim, 90k Bike and 21.1k Run and winds its way through the Niagara Region.  The immediate area has a multitude of attractions for the entire family and the race will be taking place during the Niagara Wine Festival. It will be the only race where athletes on the run course will go past the Falls twice.

Need more reasons to sign up?  How about $5,000 in prize money – all athletes being eligible, a unique commemorative Finishers hockey jersey, lots of prizes and a long sleeve shirt for registrants, while finishers receive a Finishers Medal and Finishers Hat.


What you need to qualify:

1) Be a Triathlon Ontario member in the year of qualification (2014) and race year (2015)

2) Sign up and race the inaugural Multisport Canada Niagara Falls Barrelman

3) Finish in the top three of your age group in your gender and be sure to notify Triathlon Canada by the designated cut off time

4) If you don’t finish in the top three of your age group, you still have a great shot of being part of the team that races in Sweden.  All unclaimed spots are put in a pool and given out on a first come first serve basis on a date announced by Triathlon Canada.


So what are you waiting for? The ultimate test and destination race awaits you! Experience what few other sports offer, represent your country and race for Team Canada!”


2014 Membership

Don’t forget to sign up for the 2014 Season.  Registration is OPEN.

Triple Crown Challenge 

Triple Crown Challenge

-$500 Cash Prize to the Winners-


We have created a special competition for Age Groupers in recognition of Edmonton’s hosting of the 2014 Age Group World Championship. 2014 presents a rare opportunity to compete in all three (Provincials, Nationals and World’s), making up the “Triple Crown” , on Canadian soil.

The Triple Crown Challenge is open to all non-Elite Age Groupers in the Sprint and Olympic disciplines. A $500 cash prize will be awarded to the overall men’s and women’s winner in each distance (i.e. four winners). Points will be assigned to each person based on their age category finish in each race with the winner determined by whomever amasses the LEAST amount of points after all three races are completed. Points will be assigned based on the following system:


Rules of the Competition

  • Must be Triathlon Ontario members at the time BEFORE the first competition
  • Must compete in all three races to be considered
  • Must compete in the same three distances (the three races have to be all Sprint or all Olympic distances)

Click Here for more info

 Register Today!


Elite/U23, Jr Development, U15 Draft Legal Provincial Championships – August 2

Do you have a draft card and are a Triathlon Ontario member?  This is one of your only chances to race like an Olympian in Ontario by using your drafting skills on the bike – legally!  There is an increased prize purse available for the Elite/U23 division and if you are in the Ontario Youth Cup Series, 14-15 age division, this stop is worth extra points in the Series.  August 2nd, Ottawa is the place you can race like a pro!  Sign up now!


Club Championships

We’ve revamped the format of the club championships, striking a balance between performance and participation.  Clubs will be divided into Divisions I and Divisions II based on their size at the time of the competition.  Check out full rules here.

Subaru Series’ Guelph Lake I on June 22/23rd will play host to Ontario’s clubs as they wear their club colours with pride and battle each other for bragging rights and prize money.  Make sure you get your members signed up!

Ontario Youth Cup Series

We’ve made some great changes for the 2014 year!  We’ve expanded the 14-15 year age category from four races to five and added a brand new four race series for the 12-13 year age category.  The 14-15 year age category is made up of 3 draft legal races and 2 non-draft legal races with the best four of five race results counting.  The 12-13 year age category will consist of four non-draft legal races of which the best three race results counting.  For a full list of race venues and Series rules please click here!

Ontario Summer Games

If you were born in 1998 or 1999 and haven’t qualified yet in one of last year’s regional qualifiers for the Ontario Summer Games, you are in luck!  You can still qualify for one of the spots available in the wild card race on June 21.  The qualifier is the Try-a-Tri race at Subaru Series’ Guelph Lake I race and you can register here for it.

The Ontario Summer Games is being hosted by Windsor and the triathlon race is on August 9th at 8 am.  Course maps and other details are available on our OSG webpage.  Don’t forget to renew your TriOnt membership BEFORE the race to qualify.


National Championships in Ontario

As usual, Ontario has been chosen to play host to some of Canada’s National Championships, which also serve as qualifiers for their respective Age Group events at the ITU World Championships.

July 5th is the date of the National Cross Triathlon Championships being hosted by “Mine Over Matter” in Milton at the Kelso Quarry.  Qualifying spots up for grabs for the National Team that will represent Canada in 2015 at the ITU Cross Triathlon Championships in The Hague, Netherlands and qualifying spots for the XTERRA World Championships in Hawaii!

If Duathlon is more your thing then why not try speeding down the Gardiner Expressway faster on your bike than most Torontonians do in their cars?  On July 13th, the Toronto Triathlon Festival will be hosting the National Championships for Duathlon’s Standard/International Distance.  This is a qualifier for the ITU Duathlon World Championships in Adelaide, Australia  from 14 to 18 October, 2015.  This is sure to be not just a “G’Day” but a “Great” Day!


Tri-FUN is looking for Captains and Volunteers!

 Tri-FUN Kids’ Triathlons, Ontario’s new race series for kids ages 3-13, is looking to fill the following Captain positions for each of our five events:

– 2 Swim Captains

– 2 Bike Captains

– 2 Run Captains

– 1 Transition Area Captain


Captains will help with flow, safety and volunteers.  Compensation is available, or time can be counted toward volunteer hours required for secondary school students’ diploma requirements.  If you are interested in a Captain role, please contact Jen at jen@trifunkids.com as soon as possible.

We are also looking for volunteers! There are lots of ways to be involved, including:

– Race kit pickup

– Set up and take down

– Ushering

– Race course safety

– Hydration and nutrition stations

– Fun Zone assistance

– Finish line assistance


2014 Race Schedule

Vaughan: June 22

Guelph: July 6

Milton: July 13

Mississauga: July 27

Oakville: August 24






Club Wear

Triathlon Ontario’s New Club Wear Program

 Through its partnership with Ian Feldman of Genumark, the program is designed to give clubs – big and small – the opportunity to source an extensive catalogue of club wear options at competitive prices from a trusted source.

Triathlon Ontario understands the value to a club when its members proudly display their club colours either at races, training sessions, or even in casual wear.  There is no doubt that clubs who have members wearing their club colours helps develop a sense of team spirit, increases visibility, thereby attracting more members and offers additional sponsorship and revenue generation opportunities.

While some clubs may already have some sort of customized club wear, often times it’s either limited, expensive and many don’t have any club wear at all.  With the objective of furthering club development across the province, Triathlon Ontario is assisting clubs with the challenges associated with small purchase orders, not knowing where to find competitive prices from a trusted source, or clubs being offered limited options.

Interested clubs can access the catalog of clothing options by clicking here.  For those that would like to place an order, have any questions about any of the products or are interested in something that may not be there, please contact Ian at ifeldman@genumark.com or 416-498-4334.


Best of luck to everyone for the 2014 season and we hope to see you at the Club Championships (new format) at Guelph Lake I June 21/22!

Check Out the Catalogue

Coaching & Officiating


Continuing Education Program

For those coaches who already have coaching certification and want to increase their skill set.  TO has created an online Continuing Education Program for Triathlon Coaching.  The first course is Exercise Physiology for Triathletes, presented by Dr. Wells.  Click here to register for the course

Click here for more info about Dr Wells

Stay Tuned for more courses!


Tara’s Nutrition Tips (formerly Tara’s Nutrition Analysis)


Tara Postnikoff is a registered Nutritional Consultant, Triathlon Coach and Personal trainer

More to come in the next issues…


Exclusive Membership Benefits


Triathlon Ontario Members Get 20% Off Of All Products



What’s Included with the TriPack?
1 – RUN (4 servings).

Infinit’s Ultra Premium Electrolyte Drink
2 – RIDE (4 servings).

Specifically formulated by the Infinit development team to have extra calories (274) and just enough protein (4g) to help you stay full with no bloating
1 – JET FUEL (8 servings) .

The low osmolality formulation for short explosive efforts. Ultra-premium product for your fastest race ever!
1 – INFINIT RAW (9 servings).

A high quality, rapidly absorbed protein which is very versatile. It enables the athlete to customize their own nutrition
1 – REPAIR (4 servings) – .

The Best Recovery Drink on the Planet. Ultra-premium, all-natural ingredients for the best recovery drink on the planet.

The assistance you need to create your very own CUSTOM formulation for your racing and training needs. Work with one of our Infinit staff by phone and discuss…

 PRICE: $69.95*


List Price: $120.00

You Save: $50.05



Triathlon Ontario’s Annual Officials Meeting 2014 Highlights – In Case You Missed It J)


Thank You to the TC for putting on a first rate day of activities.  &

Thank You to all of the attendees who were able to make it out.  Your level of participation and enthusiasm was incredible to see J.




What’s New @TriOntario


Provincial Championships/National Team Qualifiers


Tri On Provincial Champ logo                   trican-badge-qualifying_event





Sprint Distance – May 10th

Standard/International Distance – September 14th


ironhawkWe kick off the Provincial Championship season with the Iron Hawk Sprint Duathlon on May 10th in Harrow, Ontario.  This course is flat and fast so get ready to set some personal bests!



lakeside-300x231This is a qualifier for the 2015 National Age Group Team so if you need an excuse to go to the Land Down Under or if you want to run-bike-run alongside kangaroos you’re in luck because the ITU Duathlon World Championships will be in Adelaide, Australia from 14 to 18 October, 2015.


Standard/International Distance more your speed?  No worries mate!  Multisport Canada’s Lakeside Duathlon on September 14th has what you need to get you to the land of Oz because it’s the Provincial Championship and Standard Distance qualifier for Adelaide 2015.


What you need to qualify:

1) Be a Triathlon Ontario member in the year of qualification (2014) and race year (2015)

2) Sign up and race either the Iron Hawk Sprint Duathlon or Multisport Canada’s Lakeside Duathlon, depending on your race length of choice

3) Finish in the top of your age group in your gender and be sure to notify Triathlon Canada by the designated cut off time

4) If you don’t finish in the top of your age group, you still have a great shot of being part of the team that races in Australia.  All unclaimed spots are put in a pool and given out on a first come first serve basis on a date announced by Triathlon Canada.









Sprint Distance – July 6th

Olympic/Standard Distance – August 10th


belleriver2013Sprint Distance Triathlons are normally fast but if you know anything about the landscape of Belle River and Canada’s most southern region, you know this could be LIGHTNING fast!  There isn’t a hill within 100kms.  If the prospect of setting your shoes on fire from the speed isn’t enough to entice you to race, how about that this is the only Ontario-based Sprint Triathlon qualifier for the legendary city of Chicago in 2015?  July 6th is the date, Belle River is the place.  Be there.


Prefer cottage country and the relaxing environment of the Muskoka region?  Maybe your path to Chicago in 2015 is paved through Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge Olympic Distance Triathlon on August 10th.  Again, the only Ontario-based qualifier for the Olympic Distance in Chicago next year is MSC’s Bracebridge race. 

Why should you care about Chicago’s 2015 race?  Because it’s going to be “epic”.  The City of Chicago will play host to the ITU World Triathlon Series Grand Final and the course will include such famous landmarks as Grant Park, the Art Institute of Chicago, Soldier Field and Millennium Park, and will culminate with a loop around Buckingham Fountain at the finish.

What you need to qualify:

bracebridge-300x2311) Be a Triathlon Ontario member in the year of qualification (2014) and race year (2015)

2) Sign up and race either the Belle River Sprint Triathlon or Multisport Canada’s Bracebridge Olympic Triathlon, depending on your race length of choice

3) Finish in the top of your age group in your gender and be sure to notify Triathlon Canada by the designated cut off time

4) If you don’t finish in the top of your age group, you still have a great shot of being part of the team that races in Chicago.  All unclaimed spots are put in a pool and given out on a first come first serve basis on a date announced by Triathlon Canada.



Long Distance Triathlon  – September 21


Have you checked going long off your bucket list and are looking for a new challenge? Why not shoot for the unique chance to race while wearing the maple leaf, representing Canada on the international stage and putting all of that long course training to good use?


The inaugural Multisport Canada Niagara Barrelman race is not only the Long Distance Triathlon Provincial Championship, it’s also the only qualifying race in Ontario for the 2015 ITU Long Distance World Championship, being held June 27th, 2015 in Motala, Sweden. The World Championship consists of a 4km Swim, 120km Bike, 30km Run.



The Niagara Falls Barrelman consists of a 2k Swim, 90k Bike and 21.1k Run and winds its way through the Niagara Region.  The immediate area has a multitude of attractions for the entire family and the race will be taking place during the Niagara Wine Festival. It will be the only race where athletes on the run course will go past the Falls twice.


Need more reasons to sign up?  How about $5,000 in prize money – all athletes being eligible, a unique commemorative Finishers hockey jersey, lots of prizes and a long sleeve shirt for registrants, while finishers receive a Finishers Medal and Finishers Hat.


What you need to qualify:

1) Be a Triathlon Ontario member in the year of qualification (2014) and race year (2015)

2) Sign up and race the inaugural Multisport Canada Niagara Falls Barrelman

3) Finish in the top three of your age group in your gender and be sure to notify Triathlon Canada by the designated cut off time

4) If you don’t finish in the top three of your age group, you still have a great shot of being part of the team that races in Sweden.  All unclaimed spots are put in a pool and given out on a first come first serve basis on a date announced by Triathlon Canada.


So what are you waiting for? The ultimate test and destination race awaits you! Experience what few other sports offer, represent your country and race for Team Canada!”



2014 Membership

Don’t forget tosign up for the 2014 Season.  Registration is OPEN.



Triple Crown Challenge 

Triple Crown Challenge

-$500 Cash Prize to the Winners-


We have created a special competition for Age Groupers in recognition of Edmonton’s hosting of the 2014 Age Group World Championship. 2014 presents a rare opportunity to compete in all three (Provincials, Nationals and World’s), making up the “Triple Crown” , on Canadian soil.

The Triple Crown Challenge is open to all non-Elite Age Groupers in the Sprint and Olympic disciplines. A $500 cash prize will be awarded to the overall men’s and women’s winner in each distance (i.e. four winners). Points will be assigned to each person based on their age category finish in each race with the winner determined by whomever amasses the LEAST amount of points after all three races are completed. Points will be assigned based on the following system:


Rules of the Competition


·         Must be Triathlon Ontario members at the time BEFORE the first competition

·         Must compete in all three races to be considered

·         Must compete in the same three distances (the three races have to be all Sprint or all Olympic distances)


Click Here for more info


Register Today!


Elite/U23, Jr Development, U15 Draft Legal Provincial Championships – August 2



Tri On Provincial Champ logoDo you have a draft card and are a Triathlon Ontario member?  This is one of your only chances to race like an Olympian in Ontario by using your drafting skills on the bike – legally!  There is an increased prize purse available for the Elite/U23 division and if you are in the Ontario Youth Cup Series, 14-15 age division, this stop is worth extra points in the Series.  August 2nd, Ottawa is the place you can race like a pro!  Sign up now!




Club Championships


We’ve revamped the format of the club championships, striking a balance between performance and participation.  Clubs will be divided into Divisions I and Divisions II based on their size at the time of the competition.  Check out full rules here. 



Subaru Series’ Guelph Lake I on June 22/23rd will play host to Ontario’s clubs as they wear their club colours with pride and battle each other for bragging rights and prize money.  Make sure you get your members signed up!



Ontario Youth Cup Series


Ontario Youth CupWe’ve made some great changes for the 2014 year!  We’ve expanded the 14-15 year age category from four races to five and added a brand new four race series for the 12-13 year age category.  The 14-15 year age category is made up of 3 draft legal races and 2 non-draft legal races with the best four of five race results counting.  The 12-13 year age category will consist of four non-draft legal races of which the best three race results counting.  For a full list of race venues and Series rules please click here!



Ontario Summer Games


OSG 2014If you were born in 1998 or 1999 and haven’t qualified yet in one of last year’s regional qualifiers for the Ontario Summer Games, you are in luck!  You can still qualify for one of the spots available in the wild card race on June 21.  The qualifier is the Try-a-Tri race at Subaru Series’ Guelph Lake I race and you can register here for it. 


The Ontario Summer Games is being hosted by Windsor and the triathlon race is on August 9th at 8 am.  Course maps and other details are available on our OSG webpage.  Don’t forget to renew your TriOnt membership BEFORE the race to qualify.



National Championships in Ontario


As usual, Ontario has been chosen to play host to some of Canada’s National Championships, which also serve as qualifiers for their respective Age Group events at the ITU World Championships.


ttf -blackElement-MOMJuly 5th is the date of the National Cross Triathlon Championships being hosted by “Mine Over Matter” in Milton at the Kelso Quarry.  Qualifying spots up for grabs for the National Team that will represent Canada in 2015 at the ITU Cross Triathlon Championships in The Hague, Netherlands and qualifying spots for the XTERRA World Championships in Hawaii!


If Duathlon is more your thing then why not try speeding down the Gardiner Expressway faster on your bike than most Torontonians do in their cars?  On July 13th, the Toronto Triathlon Festival will be hosting the National Championships for Duathlon’s Standard/International Distance.  This is a qualifier for the ITU Duathlon World Championships in Adelaide, Australia  from 14 to 18 October, 2015.  This is sure to be not just a “G’Day” but a “Great”Day!






Tri-FUN is looking for Captains and Volunteers!


Tri-FUN Kids’ Triathlons, Ontario’s new race series for kids ages 3-13, is looking to fill the following Captain positions for each of our five events:


– 2 Swim Captains

– 2 Bike Captains

– 2 Run Captains

– 1 Transition Area Captain


Captains will help with flow, safety and volunteers.  Compensation is available, or time can be counted toward volunteer hours required for secondary school students’ diploma requirements.  If you are interested in a Captain role, please contact Jen at jen@trifunkids.com as soon as possible.


Weare also looking for volunteers! There are lots of ways to be involved, including:

– Race kit pickup

– Set up and take down

– Ushering

– Race course safety

– Hydration and nutrition stations

– Fun Zone assistance

– Finish line assistance


2014 Race Schedule

Vaughan: June 22

Guelph: July 6

Milton: July 13

Mississauga: July 27

Oakville: August 24









Club Wear

Triathlon Ontario’s New Club Wear Program


Through its partnership with Ian Feldman of Genumark, the program is designed to give clubs – big and small – the opportunity to source an extensive catalogue of club wear options at competitive prices from a trusted source.


This is only a teaser.  Click on the pic for the Full Catalogue



Triathlon Ontario understands the value to a club when its members proudly display their club colours either at races, training sessions, or even in casual wear.  There is no doubt that clubs who have members wearing their club colours helps develop a sense of team spirit, increases visibility, thereby attracting more members and offers additional sponsorship and revenue generation opportunities.


While some clubs may already have some sort of customized club wear, often times it’s either limited, expensive and many don’t have any club wear at all.  With the objective of furthering club development across the province, Triathlon Ontario is assisting clubs with the challenges associated with small purchase orders, not knowing where to find competitive prices from a trusted source, or clubs being offered limited options.


Interested clubs can access the catalog of clothing options by clicking here.  For those that would like to place an order, have any questions about any of the products or are interested in something that may not be there, please contact Ian at ifeldman@genumark.com or 416-498-4334.


Best of luck to everyone for the 2014 season and we hope to see you at the Club Championships (new format) at Guelph Lake I June 21/22!



Check Out the Catalogue



Coaching & Officiating




Continuing Education Program

For those coaches who already have coaching certification and want to increase their skill set.  TO has created an online Continuing Education Program for Triathlon Coaching.  The first course is Exercise Physiology for Triathletes, presented by Dr. Wells.  Click here to register for the course




Click here for more info about Dr Wells


Stay Tuned for more courses!


Tara’s Nutrition Tips (formerly Tara’s Nutrition Analysis)


Tara Postnikoff is a registered Nutritional Consultant, Triathlon Coach and Personal trainer

More to come in the next issues…J


Exclusive Membership Benefits


Click below for a cool vid

Triathlon Ontario Members Get 20% Off Of All Products



What’s Included with the TriPack?

1 – RUN (4 servings).

Infinit’s Ultra Premium Electrolyte Drink

2 – RIDE (4 servings).

Specifically formulated by the Infinit development team to have extra calories (274) and just enough protein (4g) to help you stay full with no bloating

1 – JET FUEL (8 servings) .

The low osmolality formulation for short explosive efforts. Ultra-premium product for your fastest race ever!

1 – INFINIT RAW (9 servings).

A high quality, rapidly absorbed protein which is very versatile. It enables the athlete to customize their own nutrition

1 – REPAIR (4 servings) – .

The Best Recovery Drink on the Planet. Ultra-premium, all-natural ingredients for the best recovery drink on the planet.




The assistance you need to create your very own CUSTOM formulation for your racing and training needs. Work with one of our Infinit staff by phone and discuss…


PRICE: $69.95*


List Price: $120.00

You Save: $50.05




Triathlon Ontario’s Annual Officials Meeting 2014 Highlights – In Case You Missed It J)



Thank Youto the TC for putting on a first rate day of activities.  &

Thank Youto all of the attendees who were able to make it out.  Your level of participation and enthusiasm was incredible to see J.












