April 2015
What’s New @TriOntario
Attention all 2014 members! Your membership has now expired so its time to renew. In addition to all of the great benefits of memberships like insurance coverage, magazine subscription, great discounts on races, products and services and inclusion in various provincial series part of your membership dollars go towards supporting the growth of and development of the sport. For example, did you know that through Triathlon Ontario sponsored programs such as the NTC Guelph, Quest for Gold Athlete Assistance and the Provincial Development Team, 25 of Canada’s top triathletes at the Elite, U23 and Jr level receive support to help achieve their dreams? Not everyone may reach the podium at upcoming Olympics but none will without your support. Check out the review under the Elite/U23/Jr news to check out how our athletes are doing!
A big thank you to the 1,700+ members that have renewed so far for the 2015 season and those of you that have made donations. We are a non-profit organization and in an environment where funding is being cut from outside sources every dollar counts.
You can easily renew or sign up for a new membership by clicking here.
For a full list of membership benefits and why you should join, check out our website!
Summer Time Employment
We’re looking to hire a student for the summer to represent TriOnt at various events around the province, handing out awards, promoting member benefits and to help out around the office. If you like to talk to people, one on one or large crowds, are passionate about the sport, and want to earn some money while having fun we want to hear from you. Full job description can be found here.
Triathlon Ontario Camps & Clinics
Coming Soon – Age Grouper Draft Legal Clinic!
We are excited to announce soon, in partnership with the Ontario Cycling Association, a drafting clinic specifically for Age Groupers. The clinic will be held in late May in Milton near the new Veledrome. Anyone taking the clinic will be tested to become draft legal certified. Stay tuned for more details, spots will be limited
Triathlon Ontario’s Muskoka and Mont Tremblant IRONMAN® Training Camps
If anyone is considering doing their first ever (or fifteenth) IRONMAN® Muskoka or Mont Tremblant race to hone their skills, why not try out one of our camps. Each camp will feature Lisa Bentley and her LBT coaching team who are offering premium training to each participant.
*Discounts available if signing up for both camps
Date: July 10-12, 2015 (Mont Tremblant)
Date: July 24-26, 2015 (Muskoka)
Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Mont Tremblant)
Click here for full camp schedule and registration form (Muskoka)
Age Grouper News
New Cross Triathlon Provincial Championship
– “Mine-Over-Matter” Race to be National Cross Championships, 2016 ITU World Championship Qualifier and XTERRA World Championship Qualifier –
We recently announced the first ever Cross Triathlon Provincial Championships to be held at Element Racing’s “Mine-Over-Matter” race on June 27th, 2015 at the Kelso Quarry in Milton, Ontario. A Cross Triathlon is made up of a swim, mountain bike and trail run.
In addition to being named host to the new Provincial Championships, the event will also serve as the National Championships for Cross Triathlon and therefore will have 10 automatic qualifying spots per age group for the 2016 ITU World Cross Triathlon Championships. This style of racing is also commonly known…
Coming Soon – Duathlon Provincials Announcement
We are finalizing the details on the host venue for Provincials for both Duathlon distances and working to secure ITU qualification spots for the 2016 World Championships. Details to be announced soon!
Sheri Fraser Niagara Camps
Come train with 3x AG World Champion and 23x top 10 Ironman finisher Sheri Fraser, and her team of experienced coaches, in beautiful Niagara on May 29-30 or July 30 – August 3. Wine country is a perfect venue for training for your Ironman, 1/2 Ironman, Olympic or Sprint races. You will get the opportunity to swim in the Welland Canal, bike along quiet country roads, climb the escarpment or go flat along the Canal, and run on short hill trails and along the Canal. These camps are fully supported with feed stations and certified and experienced coaches for all levels and distances.
Accommodations are available at Niagara College Welland Campus.
Triathlon Ontario Members will receive a $5 per day discount (~10%) and are also eligible for the early bird discount ending April 15.
One day passes are also available. Contact Sheri (sfraser12@hotmail.com) for group rates.
You can find all of the details here
Ontario Triathletes Accomplish Unprecedented Historic Triumph
– Opening of the Joe Finley Centre for Cancer Research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre –
Joe’s Team Triathlon is not the only triathlon with fund-raising as its primary purpose, however it certainly has been the most successful. It took eight short years for this charitable race to raise more than $10 million for critical cancer research and a world-class cancer research centre at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Joe’s Team attracts a wide range of diverse triathletes, from the veteran to those looking to complete their first sprint distance. Triathletes must raise a minimum of $500 each ($250 if 21 years old or under) which enables them to participate in the race category of choice.
The goal for 2015 is supporting the internationally recognized researchers and clinicians now based at the Centre. If you want to participate as an individual in the triathlon or duathlon, or join a relay team, you can register at www.joesteam.ca.
Youth News
Youth Cup Series
2015 will be the third year for the developmental competition for youth aged athletes 14-15 and 12-13. For more information about the Series please visit our Youth Cup page
For those looking to register for the Draft Legal Provincial Championships, registration is now open!
2015 OSG Qualifiers
As per the previously announced changes to next season’s Ontario Summer Games (OSG), the qualifying events will be within the 2015 Ontario Youth Cup with one race in 2016 acting as a last chance “wild card” race for those looking to qualify. The OSG is open to athletes born in either 2000 or 2001.
The 2016 OSG will be in Mississauga and is a draft legal race, athletes must be draft legal certified before the OSG race date in order to participate as well as be Triathlon Ontario members in the year of qualification and in the year of the OSG. For more information please see our OSG page.
Junior/U23/Elite News
Provincial Team Testing Weekend
Our Provincial Team members were back at the world class Canadian Sport Institute Ontario labs at the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre this past weekend for a second set of various fitness and skill testing. This second round followed up testing done in October and was done for comparative purposes. Testing is done at the end of the competitive triathlon season and then leading into the new season to provide information as to how each athlete is responding to their own training plans and feedback provided previously. Check out some of the action in the pictures below. Our athletes even got a chance to test out their cooking skills in CSIO’s athlete kitchen.
TriOnt Programs
The race season has already started for our Ontario High Performance athletes. Keep up to date with some recent highlights in March from from our Triathlon Ontario supported athletes participating in either the NTC Guelph, Quest for Gold (QFG), or Provincial Development Team (PDT).
Andrew York (NTC) was the top Canadian male finishing 19th last weekend at the Auckland ITU World Cup, this came after a 4th place the week before at the New Plymouth ITU World Cup.
Amelie Kretz (NTC) started the season out strong with a win at the Wollongong OUT Oceania Cup and then followed that up with a 2nd at the Mooloolaba ITU World Cup a week later.
Dominika Jamnicky (NTC, QFG) had a 5th place in the Clermont CAMTRI American Cup and a 4th place in the Sarasota CAMTRI Sprint. She then followed it up the next day with a 1st in the relay along with fellow NTCer John Rasmussen who also added a 10th place in the individual race.
Karol-Ann Roy (NTC) posted a 9th place in the Clermont CAMTRI race.
On the Junior front, Oliver Blecher (QFG) had a fantastic 2nd place at the Sarasota CAMTRI Jr North American Championships and Elise Bolger (QFG, PDT) gave a solid 8th place performance on the women’s side.
Congratulations to Oliver Blecher (QFG) and Kirsten Vergara (QFG) for being selected to represent Triathlon Canada at the CAMTRI Continental Americas Junior Championships in Monterrey Mexico on May 1-3, 2015.
Register for Draft Legal Provincial Championships
We are proud to announce that registration for the 2015 Draft Legal Provincial Championships is officially open. Reserve your spot early or you’ll miss out on this exciting race.
Please follow this link to sign up.
New Draft Legal Race Series for Juniors and Elite/U23
The first ever Junior Draft Legal Cup Series and Elite/U23 Draft Legal Cup Series in Ontario will take place this year. The Series will be similar to the Youth Cup but for Juniors aged 16-19 and 20 and over for the Elite/U23 Series. Participants need to be members, draft legal certified and have “Elite” status if over 23 years of age. For more information please see either our Junior Cup Series page or our Elite/U23 Cup Series page. The Elite/U23 athletes will be competing for a total prize purse of $2,000.
Coaching News
New NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course
Attention coaches!!! Looking to expand your clientele or improve your credentials? We are holding an NCCP Youth Development Coaching Course on April 25 & 26, 2014 at the Milton Sports Centre, in Milton, Ontario. This is a two day workshop for The NCCP Youth Development Coaching program which follows principles of LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) emphasizing participation, skill learning, developmentally appropriate training, and FUN as integral components of multisport experiences for young people. LTAD ensures that young athletes are engaging in the most efficient, safe, and enjoyable practice activities for their stage of growth and athletic ability.
Sign up today to reserve your spot.
More info on Triathlon Coaching
2nd Annual Coach Development Weekend
The Coaches Association of Ontario’s 2nd annual Coach Development Weekend Super Clinic (June 12-14, 2015) is coming soon, and registration is now open.
- 15 of the 16 Multi-sport NCCP modules available including all 6 Comp Dev!
- Coaches can bring the whole family; fully trained camp counsellors will supervise children.
- Accommodations, meals, and full camp access included for one amount.
Multisport NCCP Available:
Psychology of Performance | Basic Mental Skills | Resistance Training
Making Ethical Decisions | Empower+ | Prevention and Recovery from Injury
Leading Drug Free Sport | Plan a Practice | Coaching and Leading Effectively
Developing Athletic Abilities | Nutrition | Fundamental Movement Skills
Design a Sport Program | Managing Conflict | Aboriginal Coaching Module
More info on Triathlon Coaching
Club News
Club Sanctioning
– Time to get your club sanctioning in –
Welcome back to those clubs that are re-sanctioning and a warm welcome to our new clubs. If you want to know why your club should sanction, check out the benefits of sanctioning with TriOnt. Click here for the benefits of joining a club for those that have never joined a club or are unsure of the benefits they can tap into.
New For 2015
- ?Blacksmith Triathlon Inc.
- Healthy Results Training
- Sudbury Triple Threat Triathlon Club
Welcome Back
- Aktiv Racing
- ByTown Storm MultiSport club
- Fighting Koalas Triathlon Team-Waterdown
- Mississauga Triathlon Club
- Nacho Average Triathlon Club
- Peterborough Triathlon Club-Youth Team
- TriMuskoka
- Tri-Train
Click here to view all 2015 sanctioned clubs
Special Triathlon Ontario Member Deals!!!
Need more reasons why you should be a Triathlon Ontario member?
Special Travel Discounts for Members
In this sport we all have to travel a lot and stay at hotels. We’ve been able to secure a great offer from the Westmont Hospitality Group for a VIP program that offers discounts at numerous hotels. The Westmont Hospitality Group manages more than 120 properties in Canada from internationally known and respected brand names. Benefits from this FREE program include:
• Guaranteed 10-15% off BEST AVAILABLE RATES at participating hotels, year-round, no restrictions
• Unique rate can be booked property direct, brand 1-800 number and in some instances online
• Brand loyalty program benefits apply
• Most hotels are pet friendly
• Complimentary continental breakfast at most hotels
• Free high speed internet access at most hotels
For a full list of participating hotels and to find out how to participate, contact Lynn in our office at info@triathlonontario.com
7 P.M.
UNTIL APRIL 29, 2015
Triathlon Ontario members have a discount! Use code TRIONT to get it!
2015 NRG Europe Camp
NRG is headed to Menton, France May 7-17 this year. Menton is located just 15km from Nice and 5km from Monaco and Italy. We will be located on the water so there is easy access to open water swimming in the Mediterranean, as well we are at the foot of the famous Col de la Madone climb that many of the world’s top cyclists use to test their fitness. Enjoy 8 days of fully supported swim/bike/run training with the NRG team in France!
Triathlon Ontario members will receive a $100 discount and are also eligible for our early bird discount as well so don’t wait!
You can find all the details here
LPC Swim Video Analysis Sessions
For you winter enthusiasts LPC is offering an exciting clinic on Apr. 11, 2015 in Ontario, for all athletes. LPC coaches James Loaring and Mark Linseman will capture your above and underwater swim stroke while providing prompt personalized feedback on the primary areas you should focus on for your stroke correction.
Triathlon Ontario members will receive a 20% discount when applying promo code TRION.
You can find all the details here
Already psyched? Sign up here
LPC Functional Threshold Power Testing Service
Power provides the best indicator of improvements in your cycling fitness, largely because tracking power is both reliable and repeatable. It can be difficult to track improvement using time or speed if the courses you ride, or the conditions you ride in, are different. On Apr. 11, for 2015, LPC will be offering an FTP (Functional Threshold Power) test to help track improvements in fitness, optimal pacing, identifying bike fit and pedaling inefficiencies, and establishing power training zones that reflect an individual’s current fitness. This event is limited to 12 participants per session.
Triathlon Ontario members using promo code TRION will receive a 20% discount.
You can find all the details here
Click here to register
Muskoka TriSummit
2015 Muskoka TriSummit
– Keynote Speakers: Dr. Greg Wells PhD. & Barrie Shepley –
Triathlon Ontario is pleased to announce it is once again sponsoring the Muskoka TriSummit. From May 8th to 10th, thirteen of Ontario’s top triathlon coaches, professional athletes, and educators will come together for the 3rd annual Muskoka TriSummit. This is Canada’s only endurance sports conference put on by endurance athletes for endurance athletes.
Geared for all levels of endurance athletes (first timers included), the TriSummit will make athletes become smarter about their training, racing, nutrition and enhance their training with techniques to improve efficiency and power. Walk away race day ready!
Click here to register or for a full list of lectures and additional information regarding the 2015 Muskoka TriSummit.